Alora Cisneroz
Work Highlights:
Analyzing the Climate and Community Leadership Protection Act (CLCPA) through the lens of environmental justice. I focused on the Climate Action Council's (CAC) transportation panel and created a policy memo brief that can be used by community members, county government, and activists.
Summer Takeaway:
I have learned that there are so many people working behind-the-scenes to ensure that our communities function in ways that honor the high road.
Despite the army that it takes, it still seems like a fairly small world, where everybody knows one another. I think that I have learned that although non- profits can do great and wonderful things, they are often frustratingly limited by factors outside of their control (e.g. reacting to problems instead of preventing, not being able to lobby or endorse). Because of this, I don't know if I could see myself working long-term for a non-profit.
That's a new personal discovery for myself.
Favorite Memory:
Attending policy makers meetings and being amazed by the ways professional adults can be so civil and backhanded at the same time.
Career path:
I hope to work for the federal or state government in some sort of policy-making capacity, focusing on climate change.