Alyssa Murrett
Buffalo, NY
Public Accountability Initiative and Partnership for the Public Good
- Created a tax report on WNY’s largest publically traded corporations, showing the actual tax rate corporations pay compared to the statutory rate mandated by the federal government.
- Conducted research on subsidies awarded to local businesses by the Amherst, Erie County and Niagara County Industrial Development Agencies and the New York Power Authority.
- Examined Buffalo’s Waterfront, chronicling recent attempts for economic development in the area.
- Researched the corporate and government stakeholders and the position that each has taken with regards to waterfront development.
- Surveyed areas designated for community waterfront access and its accessibility to the surrounding communities, specifically the Commodore Perry Community.
- Compiled lists of board of directors for waterfront development stakeholders, the IDAs, and NYPA.
- Documented the recent phone hacking scandal by News of the World and the potential sideeffects the scandal may have on the U.S.
"With this experience, I understand how important public policy is for the success and advancement of communities. I will look more closely at careers involving public policy and social justice."
"Having Alyssa as a Summer Fellow this year made PPG a better organization. She was an enthusiastic presence and her efforts allowed us to exceed our summer goals. We continue to reap benefits of her work."
Megan Connelly,