Daniel Cooper
Buffalo, NY
Buffalo First!
- Met important decision makers and learned about what it's like to be in their shoes with many people depending on you to make the right decisions.
- Published 8 articles ranging from benefit corporations to promoting local events.
- Obtained consent forms from prominent local business owners to be included in a book written by Buffalo First!'s founder, Amy Kedron. To get their signatures, met and talked with business leaders about their businesses, learning more about Buffalo.
- Reached out to the community regarding pending benefit corporation legislation in NYS, which then passed both houses of the Legislature June 17, 2011. Attended county legislature meetings and a panel discussion about local businesses and benefit corporations.
- Developed 10 pages of detailed marketing plans to grow Buffalo First!, including strategies to best utilize social media, team with the Buffalo Sabres, create new, more effective posters, and a proposed campus rep program with colleges in Buffalo..
- Implemented my marketing plan, starting with social media and a comprehensive calendar for Buffalo First! and its member businesses
"I learned about the part that grassroots organizations like Buffalo First! play in public policy. Our big push to get benefit corporations passed and our success in doing so really showed me that while small organizations have an uphill battle when trying to make a difference, they can indeed win those battles. This gave me a better understanding of politics and civic participation because I was really able to see individuals make a difference – being one, myself"
"Dan really belonged at Buffalo First. We were able to understand his career goals and tailor a project to match those goals. He was effective, diligent, and his work quality was superb."
Sarah Bishop,
Buffalo First!