David Huang
- Created a questionnaire for a comprehensive voter guide for Erie County and City of Buffalo elections in the fall of 2011, including researching CEJ issues and organizing collaborative efforts with 10 plus community partners.
- Participated in a statewide lobbying action in Albany advocating for a good jobs plan and for accountable, transparent, performance-based operation of the new Regional Economic Development Councils.
- Attended “Justice Works—A Conference for Progressive New York” conference in Albany.
- Participated in, filmed, and edited a video on a local press action for economic development and job creation.
- Participated in two campaigns: to end the lockout of 400 Blue Cross/Blue Shield employees, and Don’t Bypass Verizon Campaign. Interacted with local press through phone calls, press releases, and media advisories. Filmed and participated in press conferences, public hearings and weekly prayer vigils involving prominent local clergy.
- Researched subsidies to businesses granted by the New York Power Authority, compiling a spreadsheet of all the WNY NYPA subsidies.
- Improved CEJ social media practices of CEJ. Wrote two OpEds to Buffalo News and ArtVoice regarding the new regional economic development councils.
10. Parks – The sunset over Hoyt Lake. Enough said.
9. Waterfront – There is something "Erie"ly peaceful about a big tall highway bisecting a tourist destination with grain elevators on one side and HSBC tower on the other. Oh, and free concerts.
8. Basketball – I love basketball. I like social justice. I happen to be in Buffalo. People in Buffalo who work in social justice play basketball every Tuesday night. Perfect.
7. Friday lunches – Food for the whole weekend. Those brownies never get old
6. Cooking – I went from putting 2 cans in a pot to stir-frying vegetables and chicken and making fried rice. Can you say progress?
5. Canada – Down the street, literally. I turned 19 the first week of the fellowship. Perfect.
4. Niagara Falls – There is nothing more calming than seeing millions of gallons of water fall on rocks.
3. Biking – My best friend in Buffalo. I spent countless hours on that thing. We shared some good memories.
2. People – This family from a church that I went to invited me back to their waterfront condo for lunch five minutes after they met me. Lots of love in Buffalo.
1. NetZero house – Zero Utility Bills!
Thanks for a great summer, Buffalo!
"David brought a youthful spirit and openness for learning to CEJ that helped us improve our social media practices and launch a broad-based coalition effort to hold local public officials accountable this election season."
Allison Duwe,