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Emily Bramhall

Human Ecology '19
Bradley Beach, NJ
Cornell Cooperative Extension of Erie County
  • Interned for 4-H YouthCAN program for high school students. Teen leaders meet weekly after school to plan and conduct community improvement projects and build their leadership skills as community change agents.
  • Developed curriculum for summer programming focusing on civic engagement.
  • Interviewed Buffalo youth development coordinators to survey best practices in teen engagement. Attended meetings and programming of other teen leadership programs.
  • Facilitated lessons on leadership development with Buffalo high school students.
  • Developed and administering a survey to teen program participants to understand their needs and interests.

“I feel this sense of community not just in my work, but in the city of Buffalo as a whole. Growing up in New Jersey, I am used to visiting New York City, a city full of newcomers, from tourists to young professionals. While this creates an exciting and diverse population, many people are there temporarily, and it can create a fragmented sense of identity. In Buffalo, on the other hand, I am constantly meeting people who were born and raised in the area. Everyone seems to be a local, and this further adds to the sense of community, pride, and drive to do good for the city that I have encountered while here.”

–From Emily’s Reflection Journal

“Emily Bramhall is an excellent fellow. She has jumped right in to everything I’ve asked of her and done it well. She planned my whole summer teen program and then facilitated some of the activities on the first day, which was soooo helpful for me! She also came on a teen trip to Cornell called Career Explorations and did a great job chaperoning the group. Emily is a valuable asset to our organization and I miss her already, even though she’ll be with us for a few more weeks.”

-Sara Jablonski, Urban 4-H Educator
