Grace Bogdanove
The WNY Area Labor Federation, AFL-CIO, includes five Central Labor Councils (CLCs): the Buffalo Labor Council representing Erie County; the Niagara/Orleans Labor Council representing all of Niagara County and the western part of Orleans County; and the Dunkirk, Jamestown, and Cattaraugus/Allegany Labor Councils representing the counties in the Southern Tier. The WNYALF represents over 130,000 members from all walks of life and occupations. It seeks to strengthen connections with its affiliates and better understand the individuals comprising the organized workforce of the region. Its mission is to improve the lives and increase the power of working families, bring fairness and dignity to the workplace and secure social equality.
Work Highlights
Contacted all WNY union affiliates to learn more about their composition and history; then compiled an updated directory for the ALF to use with current contact information and bios for each affiliate.
Enhanced the organization’s communications capacity including the creation of a new website and creating content for the website’s blog and “labor news” segments.
Assisted with preparing and executing several events such as “Interview Day” with local candidates for elected office and the annual Labor Day Parade and Picnic.
Observed collective bargaining negotiations, decertification hearings, and arbitrations.
In their words
“The High Road Fellowship has helped me learn that Buffalo’s labor movement is incredibly active and interconnected. My daily interactions with other fellows showed me how diverse community-based organizations are, yet how intertwined their organizational missions are.”
“Grace was an excellent fellow for us. She fit right into our work and as part of our team. Grace exceeded all expectations and through her work she served thousands, literally.”
Richard Lipsitz,
Western New York Area Labor Federation AFL-CIO