Harry Ducrepin
Work Highlight:
The first part of my project is documenting the rich history of Black worker cooperatives in Buffalo. The second part is researching policy and creating a report of policy suggestions to facilitate the creation and development of worker cooperatives.
Summer Takeaway:
I have learned about cooperative economics, community and coalition building, economic development, and about expanding my research skills. I would love to learn more especially about new generation economics, including worker cooperatives and other business models. The most inspiring lesson and my biggest takeaway is that learning is continuous. We never stop learning and expanding our ability to learn, but we restrict our willingness to learn. High Road has inspired me to actively seek new opportunities to learn, because there's always something more out there.
Career Path:
public interest lawyer
Favorite Memory:
The highlight of this experience has been being able to meet and connect with other fellows, especially since this past year has been so isolating.