Lauren Schwarzenholzer
Buffalo, NY
Partnership for the Public Good
- Created a policy brief aimed at educating politicians and constituents on how to reform the city of Buffalo’s recycling program.
- Updated the Partnership for the Public Good’s Buffalo Briefs, which are statistical snapshots of Buffalo. The topics include but are not limited to: poverty, education, health, housing, racial composition.
- Helped with the Partnership for the Public Good’s Annual Fundraiser.
- Attended several WNY Apollo Alliance Meetings as well as various public hearings including the redistricting of Erie County and the City Council hearing on Erie Community College’s proposed plan to build a medical center in Amherst rather than the City.
- Attended a meeting at the Community Foundation aimed at forming a coalition around people who are passionate about improving Buffalo’s recycling.
- Worked on different publicity initiatives: sharing about the High Road Runs Through the City Summer Fellowship in the East Aurora Bee and East Aurora Advertiser.
"Coming into the program I was hoping to get my hands dirty in some policy research. I loved the way that my supervisors picked out projects and made a work plan for each student. . .I will forever be thankful to ILR as well as the PPG for providing me with this opportunity. "
"Laruen was a High Road leader this summer. She’s as productive as she is creative, serious as she is fun-loving, and her contributions to the program and to PPG are lasting."
Lou Jean Fleron,
Cornell ILR