Samarth Bordia
PUSH Buffalo is interested in creating profiles of neighborhood needs as they relate to home energy efficiency retrofit work, green jobs, and healthy homes. Profile information that would be collected could combine Freedom of Information Act requests, secondary quantitative and statistical data, internet resources, and qualitative interview data and ground-level observation. Areas targeted for study would include west side and east side neighborhoods in Buffalo.
The student would be responsible for weekly written progress reports and for writing two in-depth summary reports or neighborhood profiles that clearly demonstrate the needs, opportunities, and challenges facing residents of the two study areas. Based on the completed profiles, the student would make recommendations to PUSH staff regarding outreach, campaign work, and program development related to energy efficiency retrofit work, green jobs, and healthy homes.
People United for Sustainable Housing (PUSH) Buffalo is a grassroots, non-profit community organizations working to rebuild the West Side of Buffalo. PUSH organizes residents to confront institutions that perpetuate poverty on the West Side and to create and implement an action plan for improving the neighborhood. We strive to build a democratic, action-oriented organization capable of addressing the lack of living wage jobs and poor housing conditions.