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Return to the Office - Early Lessons Learned Virtual Working Group

Return to the Office - Early Lessons Learned Virtual Working Group
Wednesday, July 27, 2022 | 1:00-2:30pm ET

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Return to the Office - Early Lessons Learned Virtual Working Group
Wednesday, July 27, 2022 | 1:00-2:30pm ET

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In recent months, companies have begun to implement their return to the office plans. The process has been an adjustment for both companies and workers, and not always a smooth one. Daily we are seeing reports of corporate leaders concerned about low office attendance levels, expressing a desire for work to return to the way it was before the pandemic, or ordering employees to return to the office or find work elsewhere. Similarly, employees have expressed various concerns about return to the office policies, including the stress they can impose and their sometimes uneven implementation (e.g., workers return while bosses continue working remotely). In some cases, employees are quitting their jobs rather than return, which is exacerbating existing talent shortages.

In this working group, CAHRS Academic Director and William J. Conaty Professor Brad Bell will lead a discussion around how companies have been navigating the early days of the return to the office. What lessons have been learned and how have they led to modifications to return to the office policies and practices? What strategies have been successful and unsuccessful for facilitating a smooth transition back to in-person work? What ongoing challenges do companies foresee and how are they working to prepare for them?

Our virtual working groups are kept small to allow for rich discussion and best practice sharing. Given the limited size of each session, we ask that you only register for a session if you will be able to attend for the duration. Prior to the session, attendees should give some thought to lessons learned so far from return to the office, so they are prepared to share with the group. We also strongly prefer that participants be on camera during the session to allow for more engaging interaction.