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Union woman worker wearing a hard hat and standing in front of solar panels

Research and Policy

Climate Jobs Institute Unveils Exploratory Study on New York Solar Industry

Cornell’s Climate Jobs Institute launches “Exploring the Conditions of the New York Solar Workforce,” a two-year exploratory study of working conditions in the solar industry.
CJI Solar Worker Panel Session
Climate Jobs Institute Unveils Exploratory Study on New York Solar Industry

White House Mobilizes Unprecedented Capital to Advance a Clean Energy Transition with the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund

"The Biden-Harris Administration recently announced the eight awardees of the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund, which provides financial support to help communities across the US build reliable, affordable, clean energy systems. These funds will help create good-paying jobs and enable low-income and historically disadvantaged communities to lead in the energy transition."
Solar workers installing panels
White House Mobilizes Unprecedented Capital to Advance a Clean Energy Transition with the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund

Tracking Inflation Reduction Act Manufacturing Investments

The Climate Jobs Institute launches a publicly available tool on IRA manufacturing investments in New York State to understand investment impacts on local jobs.
Tracking Inflation Reduction Act Manufacturing Investments

Mapping Construction Apprenticeships in New York State

The Climate Jobs Institute launches tools on joint labor-management apprenticeship training centers in New York, aiming to provide information on training infrastructure throughout the state that can help power the clean energy economy.
Mapping Construction Apprenticeships in New York State

Climate Jobs Institute Launches First-ever Climate Jobs eCornell Online Certificate

Cornell’s Climate Jobs Institute Launches New Climate Jobs 4-course Online Certificate through eCornell
Union woman worker wearing a hard hat and standing in front of solar panels
Climate Jobs Institute Launches First-ever Climate Jobs eCornell Online Certificate

The NLRB is Essential for a Fair Transition to a Green Economy

The vision for a green economy is not just about reducing greenhouse gas emissions, it is about creating long-term peace and sustainability and correcting issues of systemic inequality that have long contributed to economic, health, and social disparities, says Alex Foley, Research Support Specialist at the Climate Jobs Institute.
US flag coming down a crane
The NLRB is Essential for a Fair Transition to a Green Economy

Cornell ILR Empire State Poll Shows New York State Residents, From Long Island to the North Country to Western NY, Support Strong Climate Action with High-Quality Job Creation

The Cornell ILR Empire State Poll (ESP) 2022 shows that over 68% of New York residents are concerned about the impacts of climate change and more than 70% of New Yorkers have been impacted by climate change in the past five years
CJI Empire State Poll Chart
Cornell ILR Empire State Poll Shows New York State Residents, From Long Island to the North Country to Western NY, Support Strong Climate Action with High-Quality Job Creation

Scaling the US OSW Supply Chain with a Global Perspective

Avalon Hoek Spaans, Cornell ILR outreach extension faculty member with help from their student research assistant Scott Siegel advised a group of Columbia Climate School graduate students on how to answer the question: “How can offshore wind deployment in the US be accelerated while ensuring local high-quality job creation?”
Scaling the US OSW Supply Chain with a Global Perspective

When Data Works: Creating High-Quality Green Jobs

Anita Raman, Cornell's Research and Policy Development Associate, explores the big questions: How can we maximize emissions reductions to create the greenest jobs? How do we make sure these are high-quality jobs? How can we use data to achieve these outcomes?
Greenpeace Logo
When Data Works: Creating High-Quality Green Jobs

NYC DOE Public School Dashboard shows climate and childhood health inequities across the five boroughs

You can now explore every NYC Department of Education Public School by City Council District. Users can view individual school building characteristics and trends across districts and boroughs, thanks to Labor Leading on Climate Research Associate Anita Raman.
NYC DOE Public School Dashboard
NYC DOE Public School Dashboard shows climate and childhood health inequities across the five boroughs

Estimating and Understanding Bridgeport Public School Emissions through a Carbon-Free Healthy Schools Tool

Researchers from the Labor Leading on Climate team in collaboration with Connecticut Roundtable on Climate and Jobs recently developed a geospatial dashboard to analyze Bridgeport Public School District environmental health issues while calculating potential emissions. This tool was made to support the Connecticut Carbon-Free Healthy School initiative.
Child doing homework
Estimating and Understanding Bridgeport Public School Emissions through a Carbon-Free Healthy Schools Tool

How New York State Can Tackle Climate Change, Reverse Inequality and Build a Robust, Equitable Clean Energy Economy

New York state has a generational opportunity to “build back better” from the COVID-19 pandemic, reduce inequality through high-quality job creation and tackle the accelerating climate crisis. Meeting this moment will require large, strategic investments in clean energy, with strong labor standards and community benefits.
cover graphic for New York at Work 2021 report
How New York State Can Tackle Climate Change, Reverse Inequality and Build a Robust, Equitable Clean Energy Economy

UN calls IPCC climate report ‘code red for humanity’ -- how an equitable, resilient, climate jobs movement can save us

Cornell’s Labor Leading on Climate research team addresses findings from the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report and highlights the opportunity for workers and their unions to tackle climate change and reverse inequality through high-quality, union job creation.
It Takes Work
UN calls IPCC climate report ‘code red for humanity’ -- how an equitable, resilient, climate jobs movement can save us

Labor Changes the Climate: New Policies Move States Forward

The Worker Institute’s Labor Leading on Climate team surveys various state-level efforts to tackle climate change with high-quality, union job creation.
Labor Changes the Climate
Labor Changes the Climate: New Policies Move States Forward

Labor Standards Can Help Us Build Back Better

The Worker Institute's Labor Leading on Climate team examines the American Jobs Plan and explains why the built-in labor standards are critical to the proposal’s success.
Labor Standards
Labor Standards Can Help Us Build Back Better

Double Trouble: How the PRO Act Could Solve Two Crises at Once

The Worker Institute's Labor Leading on Climate research team provides insight into the PRO Act and the climate crises.
State Climate Labor Risks
Double Trouble: How the PRO Act Could Solve Two Crises at Once

Four policy recommendations for New York State to beat back inequality and climate change

Cornell’s Labor Leading on Climate research team makes recommendations for NYS policy intervention. It will not be easy to tackle climate change -- but New Yorkers don’t shy away from a fight. Reducing inequality and creating meaningful high-impact Climate Jobs through strategic planning and having strong labor standards.
Policies to beat back
Four policy recommendations for New York State to beat back inequality and climate change

The U.S. Can Build the Largest Offshore Wind Industry in the World

The U.S. Can Build the Largest Offshore Wind Industry in the World with a Commitment to Ambitious Climate Action, Racial Justice, and Good Jobs
Image of Wind Power
The U.S. Can Build the Largest Offshore Wind Industry in the World

Lara Skinner, What’s the Connection between COVID-19 and Climate Change? Inequality

The triple crises of COVID-19, climate change and soaring inequality present a moment of great peril and opportunity for the U.S.
One World Banner
Lara Skinner, What’s the Connection between COVID-19 and Climate Change? Inequality

Labor Leading on Climate: Creating Good Jobs While Combating Climate Change

Skinner chairs the Labor Leading on Climate Initiative while serving as associate director of The Worker Institute. She co-authored the preliminary recommendations for an upcoming report, “Reversing Inequality, Combatting Climate Change: A Climate Jobs Program for New York State.”
wind farm
Labor Leading on Climate: Creating Good Jobs While Combating Climate Change

Transport Workers and Climate Change

ITF Strong Unions, Sustainable Transport discussion document for the ITF Climate Change conference in Mexico City.
Truck Driving
Transport Workers and Climate Change