Skinner to Participate in "Union Labor and Building a Renewable Future," LEP Labor Forum
This Sunday, February 21st at 5 PM ET (4 PM CT), Lara Skinner, Director of the Worker Institute’s Labor Leading on Climate Initiative, will participate in a Labor Forum panel discussion, “Union Labor and Building a Renewable Future,” hosted by the Labor Education Program at the School of Labor and Employment Relations in the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
The program will discuss how Illinois can move into a clean energy economy at the scale climate science demands, create good union jobs, and support more equitable communities, and have a frank discussion about the need to confront the risks of a growing climate disaster and building Illinois’ future clean energy economy.
Panelists include Pat Devaney, Secretary-Treasurer of the Illinois AFL-CIO, and Sean Stott, Director of Governmental Affairs for the Laborers’ International Union of North America-Midwest Region. The forum is hosted by Stephanie Fortado and Augustus Wood of the Labor Education Program.
To watch on Facebook Live, click here.