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Sweeping Change: Report Launch, November 9th, 2021

Virtual Event: Sweeping Change Report Launch

November 9 | 6:00 pm ET

"Sweeping Change” is a new report that documents the prevalence and experiences of workplace sexual harassment in the California janitorial industry, as well as the conditions that hinder reporting and impose silence. Yet, out of this challenging context, an innovative response has emerged—this report examines a model for confronting workplace sexual harassment that was developed by workers in the California janitorial industry and may hold important lessons for addressing the problem in other low-wage industries.

Join us virtually on November 9th, 2021 (6-8 pm EST I 3-5 pm PST) for a report launch featuring a conversation with janitor peer educators leading change in their workplaces.

There will be simultaneous interpretation of the program in English and Spanish.
Read the full press release here.
Read the New Labor Forum article drawing lessons from the janitor promotora model here.
Panel Featuring: 

Welcome and Background

  • Patricia Campos-Medina - Executive Director, The Worker Institute at Cornell
  • Sarah Gonzalez Bocinski - Program Director of Economic Justice and Workforce Initiatives, Futures Without Violence
  • KC Wagner - Director, Equity at Work Initiative, The Worker Institute at Cornell
  • Zoë West - Affiliate Researcher, The Worker Institute at Cornell and Co-Founder, Rhiza Collective
  • Sanjay Pinto - Fellow, The Worker Institute at Cornell and Rutgers School of Management and Labor Relations


  • Georgina Hernández - Worker Leader, Maintenance Cooperation Trust Fund
  • Yardenna Aaron - Executive Director, Maintenance Cooperation Trust Fund
  • Anabella Aguirre - Co-Founder, SEIU-USWW Ya Basta Center, and Professional Janitor Peer to Peer Advocate
  • Veronica Lagunas - Co-Founder, SEIU-USWW Ya Basta Center, and Professional Janitor Peer to Peer Advocate
  • Alejandra Valles - Chief of Staff and Secretary-Treasurer, SEIU-USWW


  • Alejandra Domenzain - Program Coordinator at the Labor Occupational Health Program, University of California-Berkeley
  • Prachi Goyal - Labor Educator, WFSE, AFSCME Council 28
  • Sarah Lyons - Researcher, UNITE HERE Local 1
  • Robin Runge - Co-Director, Equality and Inclusion Department, Solidarity Center
  • Erica Vladimer - Co-Founder, New York State Sexual Harassment Working Group
  • Roushaunda Williams - "Hands Off Pants On" Campaign Leader, Unite Here Local 1 & Vice President, Illinois AFL-CIO Executive Board



Evento virtual: Lanzamiento del Informe Cambios radicales

Fecha: 9 de noviembre de 2021

Horario: 6pm – 8pm hora del Este

"Cambios radicales" es un nuevo informe que documenta un modelo dirigido por trabajadores y sobrevivientes para enfrentar el acoso sexual en el lugar de trabajo en la industria de la limpieza. Desarrollado en California con el apoyo de organizaciones de justicia laboral y contra la violencia, este enfoque educativo entre pares puede ofrecer importantes lecciones para abordar el problema en otras regiones e industrias de bajos salarios.

Acompáñenos virtualmente el 9 de noviembre para el lanzamiento de un informe que presentará una charla con educadores de pares conserjes que lideran el cambio en sus lugares de trabajo.

¡Recibirá detalles adicionales!

Habrá interpretación simultánea del programa en inglés y español.

Inscríbase aquí


वेबिनार: "स्वीपिंग चेंज" (व्यापक परिवर्तन)

"स्वीपिंग चेंज" एउटा नया रिपोर्ट हो जुन कैलिफोर्निया ज्यानिटर/ चौकीदार उद्योगमा हुने कार्यस्थल यौन उत्पीडनको ब्यापकता र अनुभवको साथ साथै रिपोर्ट गर्नमा बाधा लगाउने र यस्तो स्तिथिको बारे बोल्न नदिनेको दस्तावेज गरिने छ I तैपनि, यो चुनौतीपूर्ण सन्दर्भ को बाहिर, एक नवीन प्रतिक्रियाको उदय भएको छ-यो रिपोर्टले कार्यस्थल यौन उत्पीडनको सामना गर्नको लागी एक मोडेल को जाँच गरीयो जो क्यालिफोर्निया ज्यानिटर/ चौकीदार उद्योगमा कामदारहरु द्वारा विकसित गरीएको थियो र अन्य कम ज्याला पउने उद्योगहरुमा  हुने समस्याको समाधानको लागी महत्वपूर्ण पाठहरुलाई पकड्न सक्छ।

९ नवेम्बेर, २०२१ (६-८ बजे इ एसटी I ३-५ बजे पी एसटी) समयमा भर्चुअल रूपमा  हाम्रो साथ सामिल हुनुहोला, एक रिपोर्ट लॉन्चको  लागी जहाँ  ज्यानिटर / चौकीदार सहकर्मी शिक्षकहरुको साथ कुराकानीको विशेषता रहेको छ जसले कार्यस्थलमा बदलाव ल्याउने नेतृत्व गरिरहेको छ I

कृपया प्रतिक्रिया दिनु होला