Women Leading the Way in Struggles for Labor, Immigration and Human Rights
A Women's Labor History Month Event
Welcome Remarks:
Lois S. Gray, Jean McKelvey/Alice Grant Professor of Labor Management Relations Emeritus, ILR School
Sue Hains, Director, Workforce Development Institute, Health and Human Services
Carmen Charles, President, NYC Coalition of Labor Union Women, and President, Local 420, DC 37, AFSCME
Maria Castaneda, Secretary-Treasurer, 1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East
Bhairavi Desai, Executive Director, New York Taxi Workers Alliance
Sara Ziff, Executive Director of the Models' Alliance
Sonia Ivany, Regional Director, NYC Workforce Development Institute, and
President, NYC Labor Council for Latin American Advancement
Maria Figueroa, Director, Labor and Policy Research, The Worker Institute at Cornell
Event Details:
Date and Time: Wednesday, March 6, 2013 from 9:00am- 1:00pm
Location: Cornell Conference Center, 16 East 34th Street, 6th Floor, New York City
Sponsors: New York State AFL-CIO, Workforce Development Institute and the Worker Institute at Cornell, ILR School.
This event is free of charge, however registration is required. To register, please complete this form and send it via email to ilrcustomerservice@cornell.edu or via fax at 212.340.2890. For additional information, please contact Legna Cabrera at workerinstitute@cornell.edu.