Zach Cunningham and local partners deliver training for Local 338 (RWDSU)
On Wednesday, August 25th, the Worker Institute’s Labor Leading on Climate Initiative delivered its latest “Climate Jobs and Offshore Wind (OSW)” training in partnership with Climate Jobs NY.
Worker Institute Extension Associate Zach Cunningham worked with local partners to deliver the training for members of Local 338 of the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union (RWDSU). Participants connected via Zoom from various locations throughout Long Island and New York City.
Members learned about current offshore wind projects in New York and discussed their personal experiences with climate change, including food security concerns from floods, droughts and other weather events. Members of this local likely will not see direct jobs from offshore wind, but they spoke about how the labor movement must fight for high-quality, union jobs in our communities.
To date, well over 100 union members from across New York State have participated in similar trainings. In September, Climate Jobs NY and the Worker Institute will hold sessions for the Communications Workers of America (CWA) and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW).
For more information and to register for upcoming trainings, visit https://www.nycclc.org/news/2020-12/climate-jobs-ny-update-long-island-climate-offshore-wind-training.