Recognized for Excellence
Chronicling current work realities, seven ILR Press books have garnered eight awards in recent months.
The titles span subject areas including white-collar employment, Chinese workplace issues, retirement, union organizing and the work of home health aides and casino employees.
"The authors were successful in making their writing accessible beyond the academy, and all have relevance for public policy," said Frances Benson, ILR Press editorial director.
ILR Press is part of Cornell University Press.
The award-winning books and their honors include:
- Susan Chandler and Jill Jones' Casino Women: Courage in Unexpected Places, the 2012 Oral History Association Book Award.
- Erin P. Finley's Fields of Combat: Understanding PTSD among Veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan, winner of the Margaret Mead Award, given jointly by the American Anthropological Association and the Society for Applied Anthropology.
- Carrie M. Lane's A Company of One: Insecurity, Independence, and the New World of White-Collar Unemployment, winner of the Society for the Anthropology of Work 2012 Book Prize. It is also a finalist for the Society for Economic Anthropology's 2012 Book Prize, awarded to the best book in the area published in the past three years.
- Clare L. Stacey's The Caring Self: The Work Experiences of Home Care Aides, winner of the book award given by the Emotions Section of the American Sociological Association.
- From Iron Rice Bowl to Informalization: Markets, Workers, and the State in a Changing China, edited by Sarosh Kuruvilla, Ching Kwan Lee and Mary E. Gallagher, selected as one of the Princeton University Industrial Relations Section's Noteworthy Books in Industrial Relations and Labor Economics for 2011.
- Jennifer Jihye Chun's Organizing at the Margins: The Symbolic Politics of Labor in South Korea and the United States, co-winner of the American Sociological Association’s Race, Gender and Class Section's 2012 Distinguished Book Award.
- Caitrin Lynch's Retirement on the Line: Age, Work, and Value in an American Factory, finalist for the Anthropology of Work 2012 Book Prize.