Every year researchers at the Cornell School of Industrial Labor Relations conduct the Empire State Poll to survey New York state residents (referred to herein as “New Yorkers”) about how work impacts their lives: Are they employed, do their wages meet their needs, how do costs of daily living impact their ability to work or the number of jobs they need to manage, do they feel like they can speak up at work, or are they part of a union? Most important— how do these issues together shape what concerns them most about their future? With over 2,500 residents surveyed across the entire state, this poll provides a window into New Yorkers’ daily lives, needs, and concerns related to labor and employment.1
- 1The total number of survey responses was 3,394. Roughly 800 observations were associated with missing data for one or more of the variables that were used in the weighting procedure. As such, weights could not be generated for these observations. This brief, which employs survey weights, accordingly omits these missing or incomplete records. The resulting sample size is n=2,593 observations.
Every year researchers at the Cornell School of Industrial Labor Relations conduct the Empire State Poll to survey New York state residents about how work impacts their lives.