BP reaches finals at Hart House IV
From October 13th to 15th, Cornell's British Parliament team headed to the University of Toronto, where they reached finals.
During mid-October, the Cornell British Parliamentary debate team journeyed up north to this year’s Hart House IV intercollegiate debate tournament at the University of Toronto. Teams from universities and colleges across both Canada and the US were in attendance. In the Open division, partners Ram Orfanel and Eli Pallrand brilliantly finished as Finalists, with Ram Orfanel winning the Best ESL Speaker award. In the Novice division, the partnership consisting of Caroline Colclasure and Genevieve Moore, as well as Alex Zhang and Skylar Kleinman, became Quarter Finalists. Alex Zhang also won the 3rd Best ESL Speaker Award. As for our judges, both Gaveal Fan and Ben Shaw broke into elimination rounds.
Overall, our Cornellians performed brilliantly at the international Hart House tournament!