Policy Team eliminates some serious competition at Harvard
After traveling to Cambridge, MA, multiple policy team entries break to elimination rounds during the Harvard College Tournament.
Last weekend, Cornell Policy Debate traveled to Cambridge, Massachusetts to compete at the Harvard College Tournament. Competing in the Varsity league, Hyun Lim and Matthew Dye faced intense competition, like no other. In the JV league, two teams competed: Absa Diop and Sarah Thacker, along with Sean Sung and Oscar Zhuo. Both JV teams broke to elimination rounds with Absa Diop and Sarah Thacker becoming JV Semifinalists and Sean Sung and Oscar Zhuo becoming JV Quarterfinalists. In the Novice league, Sean Marcy and Bryce Williams broke to elimination rounds, becoming Novice Semifinalists.
Overall, the team did amazing at this difficult Halloween weekend tournament – with Matthew Dye (pictured below) even winning an award for one of the best costumes in the spirit of the holiday.