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Barrington keynote speaker at Local 375, DC 37

Gender pay gap: gains and what remains
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Barrington keynote speaker at Local 375, DC 37

ICS Directors in Time Magazine on lawyer supply, pay

Cobweb pricing of starting salaries
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ICS Directors in Time Magazine on lawyer supply, pay

ICS joins NY Attorney General nonprofit initiative

"Directors U" designed to improve director education
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ICS joins NY Attorney General nonprofit initiative

ICS Commentary - U.S. Employment Cost Index, Q4 2011

12-month comp cost index flat in Q4
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ICS Commentary - U.S. Employment Cost Index, Q4 2011

Long Climb Ahead

Just first leg of recovery trek, Barrington says
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Long Climb Ahead

Are The Jobs Ever Coming Back?

Management priorities, market incentives, workplace technology, and sustainable employment
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Are The Jobs Ever Coming Back?

Job creation and destruction and technology’s impact on the world of work

ICS launches initiative on technology’s impact on world of work
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Job creation and destruction and technology’s impact on the world of work

ICS Commentary - U.S. Employment Cost Index, Q3 2011

ICS: State, local government sector leads deceleration
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ICS Commentary - U.S. Employment Cost Index, Q3 2011

The Declining Work and Welfare of People with Disabilities: What Went Wrong and a Strategy for Change

An examination of the workings of the U.S. disability insurance system.
Cover of the book "the Declining Work and Welfare of People with Disabilities."
The Declining Work and Welfare of People with Disabilities: What Went Wrong and a Strategy for Change

Working Hard, Working Poor: A Global Journey

Working Hard, Working Poor fills in where the other books leave off: on employment and self-employment, work and non-work
Cover of the book "Working Hard, Working Poor: a Global Journey."
Working Hard, Working Poor: A Global Journey

Managing Quality Service In Hospitality: How Organizations Achieve Excellence In The Guest Experience

Designed for those wanting a thorough understanding of the principles of managing a hospitality organization.
Cover of the book "Managing Hospitality Organizations."
Managing Quality Service In Hospitality: How Organizations Achieve Excellence In The Guest Experience

ICS Commentary - U.S. Employment Cost Index, Q2 2011

ICS interprets latest BLS compensation index
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ICS Commentary - U.S. Employment Cost Index, Q2 2011