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Kevin F. Hallock, Director of ICS, discusses income inequity on NPR’s Patt Morrison Show

Hear Professor Hallock's interview.
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Kevin F. Hallock, Director of ICS, discusses income inequity on NPR’s Patt Morrison Show

Kevin F. Hallock, Director of ICS, appears on NPR’s Patt Morrison Show

Hear Professor Hallock's interview.
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Kevin F. Hallock, Director of ICS, appears on NPR’s Patt Morrison Show

ICS Commentary - U.S. Employment Cost Index, Q2 2010

View the press release and full Commentary.
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ICS Commentary - U.S. Employment Cost Index, Q2 2010

ICS Director at Equilar Executive Rewards Summit.

ICS Director Kevin Hallock led a panel on Risk in Executive Compensation Plans last week in Washington, DC.
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ICS Director at Equilar Executive Rewards Summit.

Educating Scholars: Doctoral Education in the Humanities

The only book to focus exclusively on the current state of doctoral education in the humanities.
The cover of the book "Educating Scholars."
Educating Scholars: Doctoral Education in the Humanities