Selected publications from faculty at the institute
Michele Belot
Journal Articles
- Michele Belot, Xiaoying Liu, Vaios Triantafyllou. 2024. Measuring the quality of a match, Labour Economics . 89(C).
- Michele Belot, Marina Schroeder. 2023. Remember me? The role of gender and racial attributes in memory, . 104(c) (DOI:
- Michele Belot, N Vitt, M Vecchi, J James. . Maternal stress during pregnancy and children's diet: Evidence from a population of low socioeconomic status, Journal of Nutrition . (Jan;93:111423).
- Michele Belot, Jonathan James. 2022. Incentivizing dietary choices among children: Review of experimental evidence, . (111). (DOI:
- Michele Belot, Nicolai Vitt, Jonathan James, Martina Vecchi. 2021. Daily stressors and food choices: A lab experiment with low-SES mothers, European Economic Review . 136
- Michele Belot, Y Alem, H Behrendt , A Bíró. 2021. Mind training, stress and behaviour—A randomised experiment, PLoS One . 15(11)(e0258172).
- Michele Belot, N.W Papageorge, S E. van den Broek-Altenburg, Choi, Julian Jamison, Egon Tripodi. 2021. Socio-demographic factors associated with self-protecting behavior during the Covid-19 pandemic, . 34(Journal of Population Economics):691-738.
- Jan Bauer, Marina Schroeder, Martina Vecchi, Tina Bake, Suzanne Dickson, Michele Belot. 2021. Rewarding behavior with a sweet food strengthens its valuation, PLoS One . 14(16(4)).
- Michele Belot, Syngjoo Choi, Egon Tripodi, Broek-Altenburg, Eline van den, Julian C. Jamison, Nicholas W. Papageorge. 2021. Unequal consequences of COVID-19 across age and income: Representative evidence from six countries, . 19:769-83. (DOI:
Conference Proceedings
- Michele Belot, Adelson Teh. 2024. Go Vegan? Prejudice, (Blind) Experimentation, and Food Choices. United States: AEA Papers and Proceedings , 2024. (666-671)
Erica Groshen
Journal Articles
- Erica L. Groshen. 2020. COVID-19’s Impact on the U.S. Labor Market as of September 2020, . (November 2020).
- Erica L. Groshen, Harry J. Holzer. 2019. Improving Employment and Earnings in Twenty-First Century Labor Markets: An Introduction, .
- Erica L. Groshen, Brian C. Moyer, Ana M. Aizcorbe, Ralph Bradley, David Friedman. 2017. How Government Statistics Adjust for Potential Biases from Quality Change and New Goods in an Age of Digital Technologies: A View from the Trenches, Journal of Economic Perspectives . 28(2).
- Erica L. Groshen. 2009. Opportunities and Challenges Facing the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Business Economics . 50(2). (DOI:10.1057/be.2015.10)
- Erica L. Groshen, Diego Comin, Bess Rabin. 2009. Turbulent Firms, Turbulent Wages?, Journal of Monetary Economics . 56(1).
- Erica L. Groshen, William Dickens, Lorenz Goette, Steinar Holden, Julian Messina, Mark E. Schweitzer, Jarkko Turunen , Melanie Ward. 2007. How Wages Change: Micro Evidence from the International Wage Flexibility Project, Journal of Economic Perspectives . 21(2).
- Erica L. Groshen, Bart Hobijn , Margaret M. McConnell. 2005. U.S. Jobs Gained and Lost through Trade, Current Issues in Economics and Finance . 11(8).
- Erica L. Groshen, Simon Potter. 2003. Has Structural Change Contributed to a Jobless Recovery?, Current Issues in Economics and Finance . 9(8).
- Erica L. Groshen, Stephen G. Cecchetti. 2001. Understanding Inflation: Implications for Monetary Policy, Advances in Macroeconomic Theory . 1:113-135.
- Erica L. Groshen. 1999. Identifying Inflation’s Grease and Sand Effects in the Labor Market, National Bureau of Economic Research . 273-308.
- Erica L. Groshen. 1991. Five Reasons Why Wages Vary Among Employers, Industrial Relations . 30(3).
- Erica L. Groshen. 1991. Sources of Intra-Industry Wage Dispersion: How Much Do Employers Matter?, Quarterly Journal of Economics . 106(3).
- Erica L. Groshen. 1991. The Structure of the Female/Male Wage Differential: Is it Who You Are, What You Do, or Where You Work?, Journal of Human Resources . 26(3).
- David I. Levine, Dale Belman, Gary Charness, K.C. O’Shaughnessy. 2002. How New is the “New Employment Contract”?. in Evidence from North American Pay Practices. Kalamazoo, M.I.: W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research, 2002.
- Erica L. Groshen. 1992. Structural Changes in U.S. Labor Markets: Causes and Consequences. Armonk, N.Y.: Routledge, 1992. Randall Eberts. (248)
Philipp Kircher
Journal Articles
- Philipp Kircher, J Greenwood, C Santos, M Tertilt. 2019. An Equilibrium Model of the African HIV/AIDS Epidemic, Econometrica . 87(4):1081-1113.
- Philipp Kircher, Michele Belot, Paul Muller. 2019. Providing Advice to Job Seekers at Low Cost: An Experimental Study on Online Advice, Review of Economic Studies . 86(4):1411-1447.
- Philipp Kircher, Jan Eeckhout. 2018. Assortative Matching with Large Firms, Econometrica . 86(1):85-132.
- Philipp Kircher, G Grossman, E Helpman. 2017. Matching, Sorting and the Distributional Impact of International Trade, Journal of Political Economy . 124(1):224-264.
- Philipp Kircher, J Greenwood, C Santos, M Tertlit. 2017. The Role of Marriage in Fighting HIV: A Quantitative Illustration for Malawi, American Economic Review . 107(5):158–162.
- Philipp Kircher, Kyungmin Kim. 2015. Efficient Competition through Cheap Talk: The Case of Competing Auctions, Econometrica . 83(5):1849-1875.
- Philipp Kircher, Leo Kaas. 2015. Efficient Firm Dynamics in a Frictional Labor Market, American Economic Review . 105(10):3030-3060.
- Philipp Kircher, F Groes, I Manovskii. 2015. The U-Shapes of Occupational Mobility, Review of Economic Studies . 82(2):659-692.
- Philipp Kircher, Manolis Galenianos. 2012. On the Game-theoretic Foundations of Competitive Search Equilibrium, International Economic Review . 53:1-21.
- Philipp Kircher, Jan Jan Eeckhout. 2011. Identifying Sorting – In Theory, Review of Economic Studies . 78:872-906.
- Philipp Kircher, Manolis Galenianos, Gabor Virag. 2011. Market Power and Efficiency in a Search Model, International Economic Review . 52:85-104.
- Philipp Kircher, Jan Eeckhout. 2010. Sorting and Decentralized Price Competition, Econometrica . 78:539–574.
- Philipp Kircher, Jan Eeckhout. 2010. Sorting vs Screening – Search Frictions and Competing Mechanisms, Journal of Economic Theory . 145:1354-1385.
- Philipp Kircher, Manolis Galenianos. 2009. Directed Search with Multiple Job Applications, Journal of Economic Theory . 114:445-471.
- Philipp Kircher. 2009. Efficiency of Simultaneous Search, Journal of Political Economy . 117:861- 913.
- Philipp Kircher, Manolis Galenianos. 2008. A Model of Money with Multilateral Matching, Journal of Monetary Economics . 55:1054-1066.
- Philipp Kircher, Andrew Postlewaite. 2008. Strategic Firms and Endogenous Consumer Emulation, Quarterly Journal of Economics . 123:621-661.
Lars Vilhuber
Journal Articles
- David Card, Ian Schmutte, Lars Vilhuber. 2023. Introduction to the Special Issue: Models of linked employer–employee data: Twenty years after “High Wage Workers and High Wage Firms”, Journal of Econometrics . 233(2):333-339. (DOI:10.1016/j.jeconom.2023.01.012)
- Lars Vilhuber. 2023. Report by the AEA Data Editor, AEA Papers and Proceedings . 113 (DOI:10.1257/pandp.113.850)
- Lars Vilhuber. . Reproducibility and Transparency versus Privacy and Confidentiality: Reflections from a Data Editor, Journal of Econometrics .
- Lars Vilhuber. 2022. Report by the AEA Data Editor, AEA Papers and Proceedings . 112 (DOI:10.1257/pandp.112.813)
- Carl Lagoze, Lars Vilhuber. 2021. metajelo: A metadata package for journals to support external linked objects, International Journal of Digital Curation . 16(1). (DOI:10.2218/ijdc.v16i1.600)
- Lars Vilhuber. 2021. Report by the AEA Data Editor, AEA Papers and Proceedings . 111 (DOI:10.1257/pandp.111.808)
- Lars Vilhuber. 2021. Expansion, perspectives, and challenges, Journal of Privacy and Confidentiality . 11(1). (DOI:10.29012/jpc.777)
- Andrew Foote, Mark J. Kutzbach, Lars Vilhuber. 2021. Recalculating ... : How Uncertainty in Local Labour Market Definitions Affects Empirical Findings, Applied Economics . 1-15. (DOI:10.1080/00036846.2020.1841083)
- Lars Vilhuber. 2020. Reproducibility and Replicability in Economics, Harvard Data Science Review . (4). (DOI:10.1162/99608f92.4f6b9e67)
- Kevin L. McKinney, Andrew S. Green, John Abowd, Lars Vilhuber. 2020. Total Error and Variability Measures with Integrated Disclosure Limitation for Quarterly Workforce Indicators and LEHD Origin Destination Employment Statistics in OnTheMap, Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology . (DOI:10.1093/jssam/smaa029)
- Jahangir M. Alam, Benoit Dostie, Jörg Drechsler, Lars Vilhuber. 2020. Applying Data Synthesis for Longitudinal Business Data across Three Countries, tatistics in Transition New Series . 21(4):212-236. (DOI:10.21307/stattrans-2020-039)
- Aleksandar Nikolov, Lars Vilhuber. 2020. Editorial for Special Issue on the Theory and Practice of Differential Privacy 2018, Journal of Privacy and Confidentiality . 10(1). (DOI:10.29012/jpc.736)
- Cynthia Dwork, Alan Karr, Kobbi Nissim, Lars Vilhuber. 2020. On Privacy in the Age of COVID-19, Journal of Privacy and Confidentiality . 10(2). (DOI:10.29012/jpc.749)
- Lars Vilhuber, James Turitto, Welch Keesler. 2020. Report by the AEA Data Editor, AEA Papers and Proceedings . 110:764-75. (DOI:10.1257/pandp.110.764)
- Andrew S. Green, Mark J. Kutzbach, Lars Vilhuber. . Two Perspectives on Commuting: A Comparison of Home to Work Flows Across Job-Linked Survey and Administrative Files, .
- Jonathan Ullman, Lars Vilhuber. 2019. Editorial for Volume 9 Issue 2, Journal of Privacy and Confidentiality . 9(2). (DOI:10.29012/jpc.731)
- John Abowd, Ian M. Schmutte, William N. Sexton, Lars Vilhuber. 2019. Why the Economics Profession Must Actively Participate in the Privacy Protection Debate, AEA Papers and Proceedings . 109:397-402. (DOI:10.1257/pandp.20191106)
- Daniel H Weinberg, John Abowd, Robert F Belli, Noel Cressie, David C Folch, Scott H Holan, Margaret C Levenstein, Kristen M Olson, Jerome P Reiter, Matthew D Shapiro, Jolene D Smyth, Leen-Kiat Soh, Bruce D Spencer, Seth E Spielman, Lars Vilhuber, Christopher K Wikle. 2018. EFFECTS OF A GOVERNMENT-ACADEMIC PARTNERSHIP: HAS THE NSF-CENSUS BUREAU RESEARCH NETWORK HELPED IMPROVE THE US STATISTICAL SYSTEM?, Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology . (DOI:10.1093/jssam/smy023)
- Lars Vilhuber. 2018. Relaunching the Journal of Privacy and Confidentiality, Journal of Privacy and Confidentiality . 8(1). (DOI:10.29012/jpc.706)
- Aleksandra Slavković, Lars Vilhuber. 2018. Remembering Stephen Fienberg, Journal of Privacy and Confidentiality . 8(1). (DOI:10.29012/jpc.685)
- Lars Vilhuber, Carl Lagoze. 2017. Making Confidential Data Part of Reproducible Research, .
- Julie Cloutier, Lars Vilhuber, Denis Harrison, Vanessa Béland-Ouellette. . Understanding the effect of procedural justice on psychological distress , International Journal of Stress Management . Advance online (DOI:10.1037/str0000065)
- Jörg Drechsler, Lars Vilhuber. 2014. A first step towards a German SynLBD: Constructing a German Longitudinal Business Database, Statistical Journal of the IAOS: Journal of the International Association for Official Statistics . 30(2):137-142. (DOI:10.3233/sji-140812)
- Miranda, Javier, Lars Vilhuber. 2014. Looking back on three years of using the synthetic LBD beta, Statistical Journal of the IAOS: Journal of the International Association for Official Statistics . 30(2):123-127. (DOI:10.3233/sji-140811)
- Carl Lagoze, William C Block, Jeremy Williams, John Abowd, Lars Vilhuber. 2013. Data Management of Confidential Data, International Journal of Digital Curation . 8(1):265-278. (DOI:10.2218/ijdc.v8i1.259)
- John Abowd, Matthew J Schneider, Lars Vilhuber. 2013. Differential Privacy Applications to Bayesian and Linear Mixed Model Estimation, Journal of Privacy and Confidentiality . 5(1):Art. 4.
- John Abowd, Lars Vilhuber, William C Block. 2012. A Proposed Solution to the Archiving and Curation of Confidential Scientific Inputs, Privacy in Statistical Databases . LNCS 7556:216–225. (DOI:10.1007/978-3-642-33627-0_17)
- John Abowd, Lars Vilhuber. 2012. Did the Housing Price Bubble Clobber Local Labor Markets When It Burst?, American Economic Review . 102(3):589-93. (DOI:10.1257/aer.102.3.589)
- Lars Vilhuber, John Abowd. 2011. Science, Confidentiality, and the Public Interest , Chance . 24(3):5.
- John Abowd, Lars Vilhuber. 2011. National Estimates of Gross Employment and Job Flows from the Quarterly Workforce Indicators with Demographic and Industry Detail, Journal of Econometrics . 161:82-99.
- Lars Vilhuber, Julie Cloutier. 2008. Procedural justice criteria in salary determination, Journal of Managerial Psychology . 23(6). (DOI:10.1108/02683940810894765)
- John Abowd, Lars Vilhuber. 2005. The Sensitivity of Economic Statistics to Coding Errors in Personal Identifiers, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics . 23(2):133-152.
- Lars Vilhuber, Harry Holzer, Julia Lane. 2004. Escaping poverty for low-wage workers: The role of employer characteristics and changes, Industrial and Labor Relations Review . 57(4):560-578. (DOI:10.2307/4126683)
- Lars Vilhuber, David N Margolis, Véronique Simonnet. 2001. Early Career Experiences and Later Career Outcomes: Comparing the United States, France and Germany, Quarterly Journal of Economic Research . 70(1):31-38.
- Lars Vilhuber. 2001. La spécificité de la formation en milieu de travail: un survol des contributions théoriques et empiriques récentes, L’Actualité économique, Revue d’analyse économique . 77(1).
- Lars Vilhuber. 1999. Continuous Training and Sectoral Mobility in Germany, Evidence from the 90s, Quarterly Journal of Economic Research . (2).
- Shawn Cole, Iqbal Dhaliwal, Anja Sautmann, Lars Vilhuber. 2021. Handbook on Using Administrative Data for Research and Evidence-Based Policy. Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab, 2021.
Book Chapters
- John Abowd, Ian M. Schmutte, Lars Vilhuber. 2021. Disclosure Limitation and Confidentiality Protection in Linked Data. Wiley, 2021. Asaph Young Chun, Michael D. Larsen, Gabriele Durrant, Jerome P. Reiter.
- Ian Schmutte, Lars Vilhuber. 2021. Balancing Privacy and Data Usability: An Overview of Disclosure Avoidance Methods. in Handbook on Using Administrative Data for Research and Evidence-Based Policy. Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab, 2021. S. Cole, I. Dhaliwal, A. Sautmann, and L. Vilhuber.
- Jim Shen, Lars Vilhuber. 2021. Physically Protecting Sensitive Data. in Handbook on Using Administrative Data for Research and Evidence-Based Policy. Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab, 2021. S. Cole, I. Dhaliwal, A. Sautmann, and L. Vilhuber.
- Lars Vilhuber. 2019. View from Academia: Making Confidential Data Part of Reproducible Research. in Methods to Foster Transparency and Reproducibility of Federal Statistics. Washington DC: The National Academies Press, 2019. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. (63-66)
- Lars Vilhuber. 2009. Adjusting imperfect data: Overview and case studies. in Wage Structure, Raises and Mobility: International Comparisons of the Structure of Wages Within and Across Firms. University of Chicago Press, 2009. Edward P Lazear, Kathryn L Shaw.
- Lars Vilhuber, John Abowd, Fredrik Andersson, Kevin L McKinney, Marc Roemer, Bryce E Stephens, Simon Woodcock. 2009. The LEHD Infrastructure Files and the Creation of the Quarterly Workforce Indicators. in Producer Dynamics: New Evidence from Micro Data. University of Chicago Press, 2009. Timothy Dunne, J Bradford Jensen, Mark J Roberts.
- Lars Vilhuber, John Abowd, Kevin L McKinney. 2009. The link between human capital, mass layoffs, and firm deaths. in Producer Dynamics: New Evidence from Micro Data. University of Chicago Press, 2009. Timothy Dunne, J Bradford Jensen, Mark J Roberts.
- Lars Vilhuber, Lisa Dragoset. 2008. How Did Universal Primary Education Affect Returns to Education and Labor Market Participation in Uganda. in Youth in Africa’s Labor Market. Washington, DC, United States: World Bank, 2008. Marito Garcia, Jean Farès.
- Lisa Dragoset, Lars Vilhuber. 2008. How Did Universal Primary Education Affect Returns to Education and Labor Market Participation in Uganda?. in Youth in Africa's Labor Market. World Bank, 2008. (263-280)
- Lars Vilhuber, David N Margolis, Erik Plug, Véronique Simonnet. 2004. Early Career Experiences and Later Career Outcomes: An International Comparison. in Human Capital Over The Life Cycle - A European Perspective. London, United Kingdom: Edward Elgar, 2004. Catherine Sofer. (90-117)
Conference Proceedings
- Lars Vilhuber. 2019. Report by the AEA Data Editor. AEA Papers and Proceedings, 2019. (718-29)
- Michelle Pistner, Aleksandra Slavković, Lars Vilhuber. 2018. Synthetic Data via Quantile Regression for Heavy-Tailed and Heteroskedastic Data. in Privacy in Statistical Databases. Springer International Publishing, 2018. Josep Domingo-Ferrer, Francisco Montes. (92-108)
- Samuel Haney, Ashwin Machanavajjhala, John Abowd, Matthew Graham, Mark Kutzbach, Lars Vilhuber. 2017. Utility Cost of Formal Privacy for Releasing National Employer-Employee Statistics. SIGMOD 2017, 2017.
- Lars Vilhuber, Jörg Drechsler. 2014. Synthetic Longitudinal Business Databases for International Comparisons. in Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Berlin, Germany: Springer, 2014. Domingo-Ferrer, Josep .
- Lars Vilhuber, Javier Miranda. 2014. Using Partially Synthetic Data to Replace Suppression in the Business Dynamics Statistics: Early Results. in Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Berlin, Germany: Springer, 2014. Domingo-Ferrer, Josep .
- Lars Vilhuber, Carl Lagoze, Jeremy Williams. 2013. Encoding Provenance Metadata for Social Science Datasets. in Communications in Computer and Information Science. Berlin, Germany: Springer LNCS Proceedings, 2013. xx. (12)(Accepted)
- John Abowd, Kaj Gittings, Kevin L. McKinney, Bryce E. Stephens, Lars Vilhuber, Simon Woodcock. 2012. Dynamically Consistent Noise Infusion and Partially Synthetic Data As Confidentiality Protection Measures for Related Time-series. in 2012 Research Conference. Washington, DC, United States: Federal Committee on Statistical Methodology, 2012. (40)
- Lars Vilhuber, Ashwin Machanavajjhala, Daniel Kifer, John Abowd, Johannes Gehrke. 2008. Privacy: Theory Meets Practice on the Map. International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), 2008.
- John Abowd, Ashwin Machanavajjhala, Daniel Kifer, Johannes Gehrke, Lars Vilhuber. 2008. Privacy: Theory Meets Practice on the Map. International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), 2008. (277-286)
- Lars Vilhuber, John Abowd. 2008. How Protective Are Synthetic Data. in Privacy in Statistical Databases: Proceedings of the UNESCO Chair in Data Privacy International Conference PSD2008. Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2008. (239-246)