A Labor Day Message from Patricia Campos Medina
Dear Friends and Leaders,
As we celebrate Labor Day, we at The Worker Institute honor workers by recommitting ourselves to our founding mission to advance collective bargaining rights and collective worker power through our applied research, training, and policy innovation on critical issues facing workers today.
From our Just Recovery Survey results to our leadership and training programs in the care and service economy, to addressing issues of retaliation at work via our study on sexual harassment, our team continues to serve as a hub of critical information and support for leaders and policymakers driving economic justice change in our society today. With this newsletter, we are delighted to share our recent publications and to announce some of our upcoming programming for this fall.
You can also help us track worker collective action activity by visiting our StrikeTracker-an easy to use tool that aims to track how worker activity has increased during these difficult times of the pandemic. Please visit our newly redesigned website for current updates and follow us on our social media for any updates on our work. Let’s honor the sacrifice of all our frontline workers by recommitting ourselves to advancing solutions that address our ongoing struggles for economic, racial justice, as well as for our Democracy.
Thank you for your ongoing support,
Patricia Campos Medina, Executive Director, The Worker Institute