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Labor Leading on Climate

The U.S. Can Build the Largest Offshore Wind Industry in the World

Building a large, equitable offshore wind industry in the U.S. is an excellent opportunity for the Biden Administration and East coast states to respond to the current moment and the intersecting crises of COVID-19, climate change and inequality.
portrait of Lara Skinner
The U.S. Can Build the Largest Offshore Wind Industry in the World

What’s the Connection between COVID-19 and Climate Change? Inequality

The triple crises of COVID-19, climate change and soaring inequality present a moment of great peril and opportunity for the U.S.
sign on a post saying: "one world" over a graphic of the globe to illustrate unity and the planet
What’s the Connection between COVID-19 and Climate Change? Inequality

The Worker Institute hosts Climate Job New York's inaugural gala

On Sept. 24, during Climate Week, The Worker Institute at Cornell’s ILR School hosted Climate Jobs New York’s inaugural gala honoring Michael Bloomberg, James Slevin and Allison Ziogas at its Manhattan office.
Michael Bloomberg speaks at Climate Job New York's Inaugural Gala
The Worker Institute hosts Climate Job New York's inaugural gala

New York State Announces First Major Offshore Wind Energy Awards

This afternoon at Fordham Law School, Governor Cuomo, with former vice-president, Al Gore, announced that Equinor and a joint venture of Orsted and Eversource Energy are the successful bidders in the State’s first-ever offshore wind solicitation conducted by the New York State Energy Research and Development Corporation.
Gov. Cuomo and Al Gore Offshore Wind Announcement
New York State Announces First Major Offshore Wind Energy Awards

State Commitment to Wind Industry Workers is Historic, Skinner Says

Gov. Andrew Cuomo orders 800 megawatts of offshore wind energy, significantly strengthening outlook for wind industry workers.
Photos of wind farms in Denmark
State Commitment to Wind Industry Workers is Historic, Skinner Says

Worker Institute Heading Delegation

The Worker Institute is leading a delegation of 15 New York labor leaders to Denmark this week to learn about the offshore wind industry. New York state is on the verge of building its first offshore wind project, according to Worker Institute Executive Director Lara Skinner, who is leading the delegation.
Wind Power
Worker Institute Heading Delegation

Climate Jobs Now! Summit

The Climate Jobs Now! Summit, which took place at the Cornell Club and was attended widely by labor and business leaders, focused on combatting climate change and reversing inequality in states and regions across the country.
Climate Jobs Now! Summit
Climate Jobs Now! Summit

Scaling Up Solar

The Guardian
“Our carbon footprint is a lot smaller than it could be because we move around millions of people on public transport rather than car, but mass transit is often overlooked,” said Lara Skinner, associate director of the Worker Institute at Cornell University.
NYC subway
Scaling Up Solar

Fueled by Cornell Initiative, Governor and Labor Unions Announce Climate and Jobs Program

Today’s launch of the Climate Jobs New York campaign and Gov. Andrew Cuomo's announcement to dramatically increase the state’s efforts to combat climate change represents an historic breakthrough.
Climate Jobs Now! Summit
Fueled by Cornell Initiative, Governor and Labor Unions Announce Climate and Jobs Program

Labor Leading on Climate: Creating Good Jobs While Combating Climate Change

Skinner chairs the Labor Leading on Climate Initiative while serving as associate director of The Worker Institute. She co-authored the preliminary recommendations for an upcoming report, “Reversing Inequality, Combatting Climate Change: A Climate Jobs Program for New York State.”
wind farm
Labor Leading on Climate: Creating Good Jobs While Combating Climate Change

Climate Jobs Program

“A Climate Jobs Program for New York State: Reversing Inequality, Combating Climate Change” recommends job creation and economic development strategies to drastically reduce greenhouse gas pollution and confront the climate crisis.
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Climate Jobs Program

IBEW Local 3 Highlights Worker Institute's Climate Jobs Program

Lara Skinner, associate director of The Worker Instiute and coordinator of the Labor, Environment and Sustainable Development Initiative and Worker Institute Fellow Mijin Cha are leading a collaborative effort with IBEW Local 3 and several other unions and worker organizations ito develop a Climate Jobs Program.
Labor at the People's Climate March
IBEW Local 3 Highlights Worker Institute's Climate Jobs Program

Investing in Disaster Preparedness, Response and Recovery

Trade unionists, community leaders and United National agency and national delegation representatives are invited to a special meeting to network and discuss critical disaster preparedness, response and recovery issues. In the wake of Superstorm Sandy, this is an opportunity to share experiences, lessons learned and best practice proposals for solutions.
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Investing in Disaster Preparedness, Response and Recovery

Climate and Economy: Two Crises, One Solution

On the weekend of the march, and prior to the UN Climate Summit, the Worker Institute convened a meeting of Trade Unions for Energy Democracy, hosting union leaders from 12 countries and climate activists such as Naomi Klein.
Image of Climate Jobs Banner
Climate and Economy: Two Crises, One Solution

A Just Transition - Power Without Pollution

The Worker Institute's Associate Director Lara Skinner participated in the Our Power National Convening in Richmond, California, August 6-9, 2014.
Factories with pollution
A Just Transition - Power Without Pollution

Brown and Wheaton to Speak at Environmental Summit

The Worker Institute at Cornell is co-sponsoring Daemen College's annual Environmental Summit. Celebrating its ninth year, the event brings environmentally-focused organizations together to network and learn best practices from various Western New York experts.
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Brown and Wheaton to Speak at Environmental Summit

Impacts of Hurricane Sandy

"Building Partnerships and Strategies Toward Recovery and Rebuilding" at ILR's Manhattan offices brought together leaders from unions, business, community and academia to discuss strategies and policies addressing Superstorm Sandy's impact on New York City and New York state.
Hurricane Sandy
Impacts of Hurricane Sandy

Union Leaders Agree on Need to Rebuild and Reform New York State's Energy System

The Worker Institute at Cornell convened key energy sector union leaders on Monday, April 15 to discuss the future of New York State's energy system. Union leaders highlighted the problems with NYS's energy system that were revealed by Hurricane Sandy.
Picture of Hurricane Sandy
Union Leaders Agree on Need to Rebuild and Reform New York State's Energy System

Skinner and Sweeney attend CTA Congress to discuss new energy project

Lara Skinner and Sean Sweeney, directors of the Cornell Global Labor Institute, met with union leaders to discuss Trade Unions for Energy Democracy, a new project that was launched in New York during the October 2012 "Energy Emergency, Energy Transition" global trade union roundtable.
Climate Crisis
Skinner and Sweeney attend CTA Congress to discuss new energy project

Confronting the Climate Crisis

Representatives from the labor movement will examine how they can play a more active role in shaping a meaningful response to this planetary crisis.
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Confronting the Climate Crisis