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Locating suitable, inexpensive housing is usually a main concern of prospective interns, particularly those intending to work in a large city. Because the internship program is designed to simulate "real life," finding suitable housing for the term of the internship (as well as meeting all the other requirements of daily life), is the responsibility of each intern. Interns may, however, avail themselves of useful advice in this regard by consulting with the internship program's managing director and by finding out from current and former interns how they found suitable housing in the same internship location. Prospective interns will be provided with the names and contact information for those students who have most recently interned in the same location.

In Washington, D.C. interns have often arranged to live in the building that houses the Cornell in Washington Program (CIW).  This space, when it is available, is on a first come, first served basis.  To find out if the CIW  is likely to have excess space available for the term of your internship, you should contact CIW's on-campus office in 300 Kennedy Hall, 607-255-4090, or email  They maintain a waiting list for non-CIW students, although it is often late in the process before they can tell you whether or not space will be available for the coming semester.

In New York City (another popular site for internships), housing may also become a special source of concern, although, once again, the internship program's managing director may be in a position to offer useful advice, including information relating to college and university housing in the area.  A popular housing option for ILR interns in NYC is the 92Y Residence.  For more information on this facility, follow the 92Y Residence link.

Finally, for students with internships located in other parts of the region or the country, sponsors are sometimes in a position to offer assistance in finding suitable housing. Students should not hesitate to ask for resources from their sponsor's HR office.

International Housing

For more information on international housing, please click here.