Finding adequate library facilities can be a problem for some interns. However, the staff of ILR’s Catherwood Library work hard to make their professional services and the resources of Catherwood available to students wherever they may be interning in the world.
The staff at the Catherwood Library encourages you to visit with them before you leave campus so you can be trained on how to maintain access to Cornell information sources while off-campus. They can also equip you with a Lexis ID that will work from anywhere in the world. However, if you are not already trained on Lexis (this takes about 1 hour), you can not be supplied with an ID and Password.
If you are already abroad and would like more information on how to access Catherwood’s resources, please look at the following link in the Library Gateway: Connecting from off campus.
When in another time zone, it helps if you set your computer clock to the current Ithaca date and time (EST). Some databases require time coordination.
The Catherwood Library offers numerous guides to help you find appropriate information on the workplace. Visit their Research Department to learn more.
Additional Library Resources
Completing the academic component of your internship may require gaining access to a library in the vicinity of your placement as well. The libraries of local colleges and universities are likely to offer the best possibilities in this regard, although in many major cities the public library will have the holdings and services required to meet your needs.
Washington, D.C.
Library of CongressLocation: 10 First Street, SE
Hours: Mon - Fri: 8:30 am - 9:30 pm, Sat and Sun: 8:30 am - 6:00 pm
The library's extensive collections are universal in scope. Admission to the various research facilities of the library is free. No introduction or credentials are required for persons over high school age who wish to read in the general reading rooms; however, certain collections, like those of the Manuscript, Rare Book and Special Collections, and Motion Picture Broadcasting, and Recorded Sound Divisions, can be used only by those with a serious purpose for doing so.
Department of Labor LibraryLocation: Room N2439 Frances Perkins Bldg., 200 Constitution Avenue, NW
Hours: Mon - Fri: 8:15 am - 4:45 pm
Labor-Management Services Administration maintains two Public Documents Rooms. Reports filed under WPPDA and ERISA provisions are available for public viewing in Room N4677, while LMRDA reports may be viewed in Room N5616. Only Department of Labor Employees may take out materials unless an individual has an interlibrary loan request from another library.
Gelman LibraryLocation: George Washington University, 2130 H Street, NW
Hours: Mon - Thurs: 8:30 am - midnight, Fri: 8:30 am - 10:00 pm,
Sat: 10:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m, Sun: 10:00 am - midnight
Non-George Washington students must have a pass which will allow them to use the materials in the library but not give them borrowing privileges. To obtain a pass, go to the circulation desk and explain your situation -- that you are an intern for the semester and that you need to use the library to complete research in connection with your internship. Although issuance of the pass is not automatic, your chances of getting one are pretty good.
New York City
New York Public LibraryLocation: 5th Avenue and 42nd Street
In New York City, the obvious choice is the New York Public Library.
ILR Extension Office LibraryLocation: 16 East 34th Street, 4th floor
Hours: Mon - Thurs: 2:00pm - 8:00pm, Sun: 9:00am - 1:00pm
This library has significant EEO and Industrial Relations collections and the capacity to tap into the BNA Services and Catherwood Library collection via computer. (212) 340-2845.
Wagner Archives of the Tamiment Institute at NYULocation: 70 Washington Square, South
Hours: Mon - Fri: 10:00 am - 5:45 pm
Holdings are much like those of the ILR School's Labor-Management Documentation Center, but focused mainly on New York City. Materials do not circulate.
Empire State Labor College LibraryLocation: 326 W. 42nd Street
Hours: Mon - Thurs, 2:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Collection includes 4,000 volumes, most concerning industrial and labor relations and labor history. Also trade union newspapers and journals and scholarly, government and alternative press journals. Special collection of occupational safety and health. Materials generally do not circulate.
Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Workers UnionLocation: Research Department, 15 Union Square West
American Arbitration AssociationLocation: Eastman Arbitration Library, 140 W. 51st Street
AFSCME District Council 37Location: 140 Park Place
Hours: Open to the public by appointment only
Location: 1515 Broadway, Suite 3400