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ILR NYC Entryway

NYC High Roaders Get Working

The High Road NYC program has hit the ground running as students settle into their new surroundings, gain confidence and begin to advocate for and engage with the community.
Doris Tapia presentation - High Road 2024
NYC High Roaders Get Working

High Road Program Returns to New York City for Second Year

Following last year’s successful pilot, the High Road New York City (NYC) program kicked off its second summer on June 3 at Cornell ILR’s NYC Office.
NYC Central Park aerial shot
High Road Program Returns to New York City for Second Year

New York City Enacts Bill Requiring Notice and Posting of "Workers' Bill of Rights"

Beginning July 1, 2024, NYC employers must distribute and post a Worker Bill of Rights notice, emphasizing labor laws and protections for all workers, including immigrants. Employers must comply by July 1, 2024, or face a penalty. The law allows a 30-day window for corrections, emphasizing support for businesses in adapting to new requirements.
law tech
New York City Enacts Bill Requiring Notice and Posting of "Workers' Bill of Rights"

Cornell ILR Hosts NYS Apprenticeship & Training Council

The New York State Apprenticeship and Training Council's final meeting in 2023, held at Cornell ILR, emphasized apprenticeship as integral to higher education. Commissioner Roberta Reardon stated apprenticeship isn't an alternative but a part of it. The event showcased the impact of apprenticeship programs with over 17,000 apprentices, particularly in NYC.
Pictured from left to right: Jeffery Huffcut, Southern Tier Sheet Metal Contractors Association Manager; Ernest Hartman, Brotherhood of Electrical Workers International Representative; William Macchione, North Atlantic States Carpenters; Esta Bigler, Cornel ILR Labor and Employment Law Program Director, NYS DOL Apprenticeship Council Chairperson; Roberta Reardon, NYS Department of Labor Commissioner; Chris Pinheiro, NYS DOL Apprenticeship and Infrastructure Director
Cornell ILR Hosts NYS Apprenticeship & Training Council

Inaugural High Road Fellowship Cools Down in NYC

Convening one final time to reflect on their High Road experience, the fellows were joined by those who made the pilot NYC fellowship possible - program sponsors, work colleagues, ILR staff, Friday speakers, alumni, and even the city itself. 
NYC high roads scholars group shot
Inaugural High Road Fellowship Cools Down in NYC

NYC High Road Fellowship Enters Act Two

The fellows are deep into their summer work. Things are confusing, and they’re often left with more questions than answers, but there is an understanding forming that their experiences are shaping something.
Robert Taylor, Youth Action YouthBuild (YAYB)
NYC High Road Fellowship Enters Act Two

Video: The Promise of Social Equity in the Cannabis Industry

Webinar recorded on Feb. 9, 2022 Discussion of the NYS Marijuana Regulation and Taxation Act and its social equity goals.
items in a cannabis dispensary
Video: The Promise of Social Equity in the Cannabis Industry

Return to Work: NYC Human Rights Law & Reasonable Accommodations

CLE Webinar on Dec. 9, 2021
Cover image for the 2019 Q3 ECI commentary
Return to Work: NYC Human Rights Law & Reasonable Accommodations

The Future of Real Estate in NYC

Hear some of the most prominent voices in NYC real estate and labor discuss how government policy decisions over the coming months will have major impacts on the future of real estate.
daytime view of manhattan skyline with girders in foreground
The Future of Real Estate in NYC

Video: Palmer v Amazon A Case Study In A Pandemic

Esta Bigler, from our Labor and Employment Law program, hosted a detailed panel discussion that explores the lawsuit Palmer v. Amazon, which covers the vital topics of health and safety at work in the time of COVID-19.
screen shot of video player featuring Esta Bigler
Video: Palmer v Amazon A Case Study In A Pandemic

Video: COVID-19: Permanent Impact on Public Sector Workforce

Esta Bigler, director of ILR's Labor and Employment Law program, hosted a webinar to talk about workforce changes from the pandemic which will outlast immediate reopening.
screen shot of recorded webinar
Video: COVID-19: Permanent Impact on Public Sector Workforce

Collaboration With Weill

ILR Associate Dean of Outreach Ariel Avgar is working with faculty at Weill Cornell Medicine to research the working conditions of low-wage frontline health care professionals in New York to assess the impact on patient care.
Ariel Avgar meets with people from Weill Cornell
Collaboration With Weill

ILR's Avgar's Study Finds Training Benefits Home-Care Workers

ILR's Avgar's Study Finds Training Benefits Home-Care Workers
illustrates remote medical workers
ILR's Avgar's Study Finds Training Benefits Home-Care Workers

Bob Hoyt ’86

Alex Colvin spoke with Bob Hoyt about the effects of the pandemic on financial services and banking firms.
Portrait of Bob Hoyt
Bob Hoyt ’86

Use the School District COVID-19 Tracker to understand pandemic patterns

Use the School District COVID-19 Tracker as an interactive mapping tool to understand the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on New York State.
screenshot illustrating the mapping features of the tracker
Use the School District COVID-19 Tracker to understand pandemic patterns

Working with a Disability during COVID-19: Providing Additional Accommodations

During the pandemic, both employers and employees may need to be more creative and flexible as they work together to respond to requests for altered or additional accommodations.
Illustration of a man working at a desk
Working with a Disability during COVID-19: Providing Additional Accommodations

An Alternative to Mass Unemployment: Short-time Programs

Short-time compensation is a relatively low-cost program that already exists in many states to prevent or at least slow mass unemployment. With some reforms, it could protect many more U.S. jobs.
Young woman working on a laptop, sitting on a window sill.
An Alternative to Mass Unemployment: Short-time Programs

How COVID-19’s Job Disruptions Vary by Gender, Race and Hispanic Ethnicity in August 2020

Women, African American and Hispanic workers are faring markedly worse than men and white workers.
A group of seven people stand in front of floor to ceiling windows with blue skies beyond.
How COVID-19’s Job Disruptions Vary by Gender, Race and Hispanic Ethnicity in August 2020

Reopening the NYC Film and TV Industry

Labor and management leaders in the industry have issued a set of safety protocols so that production can safely resume during the pandemic.
Video camera
Reopening the NYC Film and TV Industry

Webinar: Fair and Safe Return to Work: Protecting Workers and Communities during Reopening

This webinar will examine the issues that workers and communities are facing as New York City undergoes phase 4 of the reopening of its economy.
person wearing a mask working behind a bar at a restaurant
Webinar: Fair and Safe Return to Work: Protecting Workers and Communities during Reopening

Reopened and Safety Compliant, Now What?: ADA Employment and Accessibility Issues

Esta Bigler of ILR's Labor and Employment Law Program hosts a panel discussion covering reopening and in a new world of ADA, accessibility, and employment best practices.
a person wearing a mask moving boxes on a handtruck to illustrate reopening and ppe
Reopened and Safety Compliant, Now What?: ADA Employment and Accessibility Issues

Video: Reopening During Covid and Older Workers

Esta Bigler hosted a webinar discussion with labor-law experts on the ramifications of reopening on older workers, and where the ADA relates to reopening.
screenshot showing the panelists discussing over videoconferencing software
Video: Reopening During Covid and Older Workers
ILR NYC Entryway