Latest CAHRS ResearchLink Available: Strategically Deploy HR Practices to Increase Worker Commitment and Reduce Turnover
The latest research brief in the CAHRS ResearchLink series is now available for download from the DigitalCommons@ilr digital repository. The brief, entitled "Strategically Deploy HR Practices to Increase Worker Commitment and Reduce Turnover". Key findings include: (1) Employees' collective affective commitment, or their tendency as a group to feel loyal to and supportive of their employer, decreases their rate of turnover, (2) HR practices that motivate and empower workers tend to foster employees' commitment to the organization. These practices, through increased commitment, reduce workers' tendency to leave and (3) HR practices for recruiting and training, by contrast, do not necessarily increase employees' commitment to the organization. Such HR practices, which are geared to bringing skills in house or developing current employees, can actually increase turnover.
This study was conducted by Patrick M. Wright, ILR School, Cornell University; Timothy M. Gardner, Owen Graduate School of Management, Vanderbilt University and Lisa M. Moynihan, London Business School
ResearchLink, a publication series from the Cornell Center for Advanced Human Resource Studies (CAHRS), provides HR practitioners with concise, high-level overviews of research by Cornell ILR School's HR Studies faculty.