"New Yorker of the Week"
Global Labor Institute Assistant Director Jill Kubit has been named "New Yorker of the Week" by NY1, a New York City television news channel.
Kubit has tutored adults in midtown Manhattan for five years as a volunteer for Literacy Partners.
The not-for-profit organization provides free community-based adult and family literacy programs.
At a three-hour class on Wednesday nights, Kubit teaches basics to adults such as Princeton Hall, who has advanced from a second-grade level to a ninth-grade level in reading, writing and math.
"She has been more than a teacher to me, she has been my savior," Hall, 55, told NY1.
In the New Yorker of the Week report, Susan McLean, executive director of Literacy Partners, also lauded Kubit's work as a volunteer teacher.
"She develops all of her lesson plans," McLean said. "She has been very, very successful in her outcomes, her students exceed in all the learning gains we set for them."
In June, Kubit was honored by Literacy Partners as its Clare R. Gregorian Volunteer of the Year.