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Abstract blue and red light


The Benefits of Hiring “Boomerangs”

New research co-authored by ILR Assistant Professor JR Keller and Associate Professor Rebecca Kehoe indicates “boomerang” hires receive stronger performance evaluations than other new hires.
A post-it note that says "Welcome Back" sticks to a take out coffee cup in front of a computer.
The Benefits of Hiring “Boomerangs”

ILR Research: Entitled People React With Anger to Bad Luck

New research by ILR Associate Professor Emily Zitek indicates that people with a higher sense of entitlement get angrier than others after experiencing bad luck.

A six-sided die shows an angry emoji with two dice in the background showing rain clouds
ILR Research: Entitled People React With Anger to Bad Luck

Kircher Paper Offers Options for Slowing COVID-19

ILR economist investigates links between COVID-19 testing, behaviors and age groups.

Man in a medical mask near the window.
Kircher Paper Offers Options for Slowing COVID-19

Creativity Cliff Illusion: ILR Research

New research by ILR Assistant Professor Brian Lucas indicates that there is a disconnect between people’s beliefs and the reality of how their creativity emerges over the course of a project.

A group of workers participate in a creative idea session.
Creativity Cliff Illusion: ILR Research

Group Ties Can Lead to Discriminatory Behavior

New research by ILR Professor Seth Sanders indicates that people who join groups are predisposed to social biases.

Red and blue pawns are separated into groups
Group Ties Can Lead to Discriminatory Behavior

Proudfoot and Fath Study How Behavioral Cues Influence Perceived Creativity

New ILR research shows that workers who signal their independence from other people, rather than how socially connected they are, are judged to have more creative potential.

A young woman meditates while others participate in a meeting.
Proudfoot and Fath Study How Behavioral Cues Influence Perceived Creativity

Health Care Research Led by Litwin

Technological changes driven by COVID-19 could worsen conditions for health care workers, but a work-centered approach could improve pay and job quality, says Associate Professor Adam Seth Litwin.

A couple speaking to a doctor online with a laptop computer.
Health Care Research Led by Litwin

Litwin Awarded Fulbright

ILR associate professor will travel to Australia to study how new technologies will transform the workplace and affect workers.

Adam Seth Litwin speaks with two undergraduates in his office in Ives Hall.
Litwin Awarded Fulbright

An Educational Evolution

After beginning her studies at CALS, Associate Professor Rebecca Kehoe has found a home at ILR.

Rebecca Kehoe outside Ives Hall
An Educational Evolution

Power, Inequality, and Immigrant Worker Rights

Gleeson seeks to understand how immigration policies and worker protections came to be, and the factors that ensure that they are implemented or disregarded.

An immigrant farmworker harvesting grapes
Power, Inequality, and Immigrant Worker Rights

West Virginians Show Cornellians a New World

Lee Adler flipped traditional teaching when he created a course that began with a week-long immersion in coalfield communities.

Lee Adler with a group of students in West Virginia
West Virginians Show Cornellians a New World

Batt Uncovers a Culprit

Soaring costs for emergency room visits can often be traced to private equity firms, professor says.

Emergency department doctors and nurses push a gurney stretcher with seriously injured person.
Batt Uncovers a Culprit

Research Tackles Health and Sustainability Questions

Associate Professor Marya Besharov is applying her expertise in organizational change and leadership to the hubs that put locally sourced foods on dinner tables.

Associate Professor Marya Besharov
Research Tackles Health and Sustainability Questions

LERA Ranks ILR Review Top Employment Journal

Journal tackles real-world problems with broad interdisciplinary approach to become industry leader.

Cover image of the ILR Review
LERA Ranks ILR Review Top Employment Journal

Research Aimed at Improving Health Care

Research by an ILR graduate student shows how trade unions can improve medical and social services. An agency in New York City has incorporated some of his findings to help improve health care delivery.

Nick Krachler research on improved health care.
Research Aimed at Improving Health Care

Lifetime Cost of Assault

Research by faculty member Liz Karns tracks the lifetime financial losses of sexual assault victims.

Distorted Face of a Woman
Lifetime Cost of Assault

Blau Receives Award

The American Economic Association has recognized the achievements of Professor Francine Blau.

Professor Fran Blau
Blau Receives Award

The New Workplace

ILR Exploring Role of Technology

Kara Lombardi - ILR Exploring Role of Technology
The New Workplace

Studies Exploring Compliance

Results of consent research could impact courtrooms and policing tactics, police-community relations and digital privacy.

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Studies Exploring Compliance

Yang-Tan Research

Disability employment appears positively impacted by new regs

Yang-Tan Research

Showcase for ILR Research

Labor and Employment Relations Association featuring many from school

John McCarthy, assistant professor of human resource studies, will be speaking at LERA 2018
Showcase for ILR Research

Research Recognized for Excellence

Avgar and Litwin win for “Superbugs Versus Outsourced Cleaners”

ILR School
Research Recognized for Excellence

Eight Percent Gap

Professors find persistent gender pay gap

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Eight Percent Gap

“The Female Advantage”

Williams shares research that can help women entrepreneurs succeed

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“The Female Advantage”

Research Award

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Research Award

Focus Group Approach

Gaining insight to employment challenges of veterans with disabilities

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Focus Group Approach

Global Labor Practices

Supply chain research by faculty and students a thrust of new initiative

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Global Labor Practices

Consular Protection

Processes of labor standards enforcement for Mexican immigrant workers

Shannon Gleeson
Consular Protection

"Is it Me or Her?"

Research by Williams on workplace sensitivity finds males integral to dynamic

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"Is it Me or Her?"

Success Tool

Feeling entitled leads to more creativity, study shows

Success Tool

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