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Ariel C. Avgar

David M. Cohen Professor, Labor Relations, Law, and History
Global Labor and Work
Senior Associate Dean for Outreach and Sponsored Research
Resident Outreach Department
Center for Applied Research on Work
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133 Statler Dr
193A Ives Hall Faculty Wing

Ithaca, NY 14853
United States


Ariel Avgar is a Professor at the ILR School at Cornell University and Senior Associate Dean for Outreach and Sponsored Research. His research focuses on two primary areas within employment relations. First, he explores the role that employment relations factors play in the healthcare industry. As such, he examines the effects of a variety of workplace innovations, including new technology, delivery of care models, and innovative work practices, on patients, frontline employees, and organizational performance. Second, he studies conflict and its management in organizations with a focus on the strategic choices made by firms. He seeks to better understand the consequences of conflict for employees and employers. In addition, his research investigates the adoption and implementation of organizational level conflict management practices and systems. His research has been published in a number of journals including: Industrial and Labor Relations Review, Industrial Relations, British Journal of Industrial Relations, Ohio State Journal on Dispute Resolution, International Journal of Conflict Management, International Journal of Human Resource Management, Negotiation and Conflict Management Review, Advances in Industrial and Labor Relations, Health Services Research and Medical Care. He received the 2008 Best Dissertation Award and the 2013 John T. Dunlop Scholar Award, both from the Labor and Employment Relations Association and serves as the Editor-in-Chief for the association. His paper (with Eric J. Neuman) titled "Blind spots and mirages: A dyadic approach to the study of team conflict" received the 2012 Best Paper: New Directions Award from the Academy of Management Conflict Management Division. He received a Ph.D. in Industrial Relations from the ILR School at Cornell University and a B.A. in Sociology and an LL.B in Law from Hebrew University. He served as Law Clerk for the President of the Israeli National Labor Court before being admitted into the Israeli Bar. Prior to joining ILR, he was an associate professor (2014-2016) and assistant professor (2008-2014) at the School of Labor and Employment Relations at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.


Research Reports

Journal Articles

  • , , , & . . A fragmented and heavily privatized dispute resolution system: The United States. Industrial Relations Journal, 54(4-5), 304-320.
  • , , , , & . . Rural-urban differences in family and paid caregiving utilization in the United State: Findings from the Cornell National Social Survey. Journal of Rural Health.
  • , , & . . Drawing the Line: How the Workplace Shapes Perceptions of Sexual Harassment. Personnel Psychology. (DOI:
  • , , & . . Built to learn: How work practices affect employee learning during healthcare information technology implementation. MIS Quarterly, 42(2), 645-659.
  • , , & . . Superbugs vs. outsourced cleaners: Employment arrangements and the spread of healthcare-associated infections. Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 70(3), 610-641.
  • , , , & . . Labor management partnership and employee voice: Evidence from the healthcare setting. Industrial Relations, 55(4), 576-603.
  • , , , , & . . Editorial essay: Introduction to a special issue on work and employment relations in health care.
  • . . Treating conflict: The adoption of a conflict management system in a hospital setting. Advances in Industrial and Labor Relations, 22, 211-246.
  • , , & . . Containing conflict: A relational approach to the study of high-involvement work practices. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 26(1), 100-122.
  • , & . . Seeing conflict: A study of conflict accuracy in work teams. Negotiations and Conflict Management Research, 8(2), 65-84.
  • , , & . . Conflict in context: Conflict, employee outcomes, and the moderating role of social capital and discretion. International Journal of Conflict Management, 25(3), 276-303.
  • , , & . . From the firm to the network: Global value chains and employment relations theory. British Journal of Industrial Relations, 51(3), 440-472.
  • , , , & . . Unions and ADR: The relationship between labor unions and workplace dispute resolution in U.S. corporations. Ohio State Journal on Dispute Resolution, 28, 63.
  • , , & . . Drivers and barriers in health IT adoption: A proposed framework. Applied Clinical Informatics, 3(4), 488-500.
  • , , & . . A delicate balance: Work life balance and performance outcomes in hospitals. British Journal of Industrial Relations, 49(4), 717-741.
  • , & . . Dual alignment of industrial relations activity: From strategic choice to mutual gains. Advances in Industrial and Labor Relations, 18, 1-39.
  • , , & . . Patient-centered, but employee delivered: Patient care innovation, turnover and organizational outcomes in hospitals. Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 64(3), 423-440.

Professional activities

  • "ADR in the US Non-union setting: a system in search of relevance" as part of the panel entitled, "Cross-National Innovations in Workplace Conflict Management Strategies and Practices". Presented to LERA. 2022.