Matt is the Director of Research at the Criminal Justice and Employment Initiative (CJEI) and a Senior Research Associate at the Yang-Tan Institute on Employment and Disability (YTI). Matt's research focuses on career pathways for youth with disabilities and barriers to employment, such as justice involvement. At Cornell, Matt teaches undergraduate courses in the disability studies and a course in the Government Department on mass incarceration in the United States. Matt is Principal Investigator (PI) on the U.S. Department of Health and Human Service's funded project "Improving Vocational Rehabilitation Outcomes for Out-of-School Youth Involved in the Justice and/or Foster Care Systems" and PI on a pilot program called “Pro Se: Empowering Justice-Involved Youth and Young Adults through Speech, Debate, and Self-Advocacy Training,” which provides virtual certificate program in “Speech and Debate” to justice-involved youth, offered by Cornell undergraduate students. Matt is faculty advisor for the Cornell Undergraduate Mock Trial Association, 2021 recipient of the Cornell ILR Engaged Learning Teaching Award, and was a 2015-16 Fulbright Scholar in Barbados through the U.S. Department of State.
Professional activities
- Collaboration to Support Youth Employment Outcomes. Presented to Center for Advancing Policy on Employment for Youth (CAPE-Youth). Online. 2024.
- Social Security Benefits, Overpayments, and Work. Presented to Office of the Chief Disability Officer. Albany, NY. 2024.
- COVID-19, Workplace Mental Health, and the ADA “Regarded As” Prong: A Hypothetical Case Study. Presented to Nova Southeastern Law Review. Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. 2022.
- Employer Practices for Retaining and Supporting Employees with Disabilities During COVID-19 and Economic Downturn. Presented to Cornell Institute for Health Futures. Ithaca, NY. 2021.
- Intentional Inclusion in the Post COVID-19 Workplace. Presented to National Industry Liason Group (NILG). Nashville, TN. 2021.
- COVID-19: Considerations for Implementing Innovative Disability-Inclusive Workplace Practices. Presented to Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). Virtual. 2021.
- Join a panel of professionals representing diverse fields, and get your questions about research answered!. Presented to Cornell Undergraduate Research Board. Ithaca, NY (virtual). 2021.
- Disability & Justice Involvement: Intersectional Considerations. Ithaca. 2020.
- Implications for Transition to Employment and Healthcare for Youth and Young Adults with Autism: Findings from a Scoping Review. Presented to CUNY. New York, NY. 2019.