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Micah Noah Haskins

Research Specialist
Yang-Tan Institute
headshot of Micah Haskins


140 Garden Ave
303A Dolgen Hall

Ithaca, NY 14853
United States


Micah Haskins joined the Yang-Tan Institute on Employment and Disability in 2025 as a research specialist. He is currently working on three projects focused on improving employment and educational opportunities for individuals with disabilities. These projects explore: (1) barriers and facilitators in interview processes for autistic students pursuing STEM careers; (2) strategies to enhance services and supports for students with disabilities from early childhood through post-school transitions; and (3) accommodation processes that help employers recruit, hire, retain, and advance employees with disabilities.

Before joining the Yang-Tan Institute, Micah was a graduate student in Cornell University’s Department of Communication. During this time, he worked as a Research Assistant on two main projects. The first sought to simplify and improve the crop management data collection process for small to medium farmers leveraging a novel human-machine interface solution. The second investigated the evolving relational transformations among entities in digital agriculture and the occupational and organizational consequences of those changes. These projects continued fueling his fascination with the study of work, technology, and organization discovered early on during his undergraduate studies at the University of California at Santa Barbara.

Outside of work, Micah enjoys time with his loved ones, exercising, eating, and listening to music. He also serves in the United States Army Reserve as a military intelligence officer.