Samuel Bacharach

570 Lexington Ave, 12th Floor, 1212
New York, NY 10022-7062
United States
Samuel Bacharach is the Director of the Smithers Institute and is McKelvey-Grant Professor Emeritus. He received his BS in economics from NYU. His MS and Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin.
Upon joining the Cornell faculty in 1974, he spent most of his time working on negotiation and organizational politics, publishing numerous articles and two volumes (Power and Politics in Organizations and Bargaining: Power, Tactics, and Outcome, both with Edward J. Lawler). In the 1980s he continued working on negotiation, but shifted emphasis to the study of complex organizations, with the empirical referent being schools. Besides his academic articles, he published a number of books on school management and leadership, such as Tangled Hierarchies (with Joseph Shedd) and Education Reform: Making Sense of It All.
Areas of Expertise
Other expertise
Journal Articles
- Peter Bamberger, Mo Wang, Samuel Bacharach, Inbal Nahum-Shani, & Mary Larimer. (2024). Organizational On-boarding Strategies and Shifts in Drinking Behavior and Consequences among At-risk College Recruits. International Journal of Human Resources Management. (DOI:10.1080/09585192.2024.2401580)
- Habte Belete, Tilahun Belete, Peter Bamberger, Samuel Bacharach, & Katie Briggs. (2023). Alcohol Use Disorder Among Textile Workers: Evidence from Ethiopia. Journal of Drug Issues, 54(4). (DOI:
- Ronit Montal-Rosenberg, Peter A Bamberger, Mo Wang, Inbal Nahum-Shani, Mary Larimer, & Samuel Bacharach. (2023). Supervisor Undermining, Social Isolation and Subordinates’ Problematic Drinking: The Role of Depression and Perceived Drinking Norms. Journal of Drug Issues, 53(1). (DOI:
- Songqi Liu, Peter Bamberger, Mo Wang, Inbal Nahum-Shani, Mary Larimer, & Samuel Bacharach. (2022). Behavior Change Versus Stability During the College-to-Work Transition: Life Course and the “Stickiness” of Alcohol Misuse at Career Entry. Personnel Psychology. (DOI:10.1111/peps.12519)
- Peter Bamberger, Songqi Liu, Mo Wang, Samuel Bacharach, & Junqi Shi. (2019). When Onboarding Becomes Risky: Extending Social Learning Theory to Explain Newcomers’ Adoption of Heavy Drinking With Clients. Human Relations. (DOI:
- Peter Bamberger, Jaclyn Koopmann, Inbal Nahum-Shani, Mo Wang, Mary Larimer, Irene Geisner, & Samuel Bacharach. (2018). Does College Alcohol Consumption Impact Employment upon Graduation? Findings from a Prospective Study. Journal of Applied Psychology, 103(1), 111-121. (PubMed:28836800 )(PubMed Central:10.1037/apl0000244)
- Irene Geisner, Peter Bamberger, J Koopmann, Mo Wang, Mary E. Larimer, Inbal Nahum-Shani, & Samuel Bacharach. (2018). When the Party Continues: Impulsivity and the Effect of Employment of Young Adults' Post-college Alcohol Use. Addictive Behaviors, 77, 114-120. (PubMed:28992576)
- Dikla Segel-Karpas, Peter Bamberger, & Samuel Bacharach. (2015). The Prevalence and Distribution of Aging-Friendly Human Resource Practices.. International Journal of Aging, 81((1-2)), 120-148. (PubMed Central:26663609 )
- Songqi Liu, Mo Wang, Peter Bamberger, Junqi Shi, & Samuel Bacharach. (2015). The Dark Side of Socialization: A Longitudinal Investigation of Newcomer Alcohol Use. Academy of Management Journal, 58(2), 334-355. (DOI:;amj.2013.0239v1)
- Peter A Bamberger, & Samuel Bacharach. (2014). Predicting Retirement Upon Eligibility: An Embeddedness Perspective. Human Resource Management Journal (US), 53(1), 1-22. (DOI:10.1002/hrm.21548)
- Segel Dikla, Bamberger Peter, & Samuel Bacharach. (2013). Income decline and retirement wellbeing: The moderating role of attachment. Psychology and Aging, 28(4), 1098-1107. (DOI:10.1037/a0034672)(PubMed Central:24364411)
- Elena Gitter, Peter A Bamberger, & Samuel Bacharach. (2012). Workforce Disengagement Stressors and Retiree Alcohol Misuse: The Mediating Effects of Sleep Problems and the Moderating Effects of Gender. Human Relations, 65(6), 705–728.
- Dana Vashdi, Peter A Bamberger, & Samuel Bacharach. (2012). The effects of job control and situational severity on the timing of help-seeking. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 17(2), 206-219. (DOI:10.1037/a0026858)
- Inbal Nahun-Shani, Peter A Bamberger, & Samuel Bacharach. (2011). Social support and wellbeing among blue-collar workers: The conditioning effects of perceived patterns of supportive exchange. Journal of Health and Social Behavior.
- Samuel Bacharach, Peter A Bamberger, & Michal Biron. (2010). Alcohol consumption and workplace absenteeism: The moderating effect of social support. Journal of Applied Psychology, 95(2), 334-348. (PubMed:20230073)
- Samuel Bacharach, Peter A Bamberger, William Sonnenstuhl, & Dana R Vashdi. (2008). Retirement and drug abuse: The conditioning role of age and retirement trajectory. Addictive Behaviors, 33, 1610-1614.
- Samuel Bacharach, P Bamberger, D Vashdi, & William Sonnenstuhl. (2008). Aging and drinking problems among mature adults: The moderating effects of positive alcohol expectanceies and workforce disengagement. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 69(1), 151-159. (PubMed:18080075)
- Samuel Bacharach, P Bamberger, & E Doveh. (2008). Firefighters, critical incidents, and drinking to cope: and drinking behavior: The adaquacy of unit-level performance resources as a source of vulnerability and protection. Journal of Applied Psychology, 93(1), 155-169.
- Samuel Bacharach, Peter A Bamberger, Michal Biron, & Mickey Horowitz-Rozen. (2008). Perceived agency in retirement on retiree drinking behavior: The moderating effects of pre-retirement job satisfaction. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 73(3), 376-386. (PubMed:19956364)
- Samuel Bacharach, Peter A Bamberger, Dana R Vashdi, & William Sonnenstuhl. (2008). Aging and drinking problems among mature adults: The moderating effects of positive alcohol expectancies and workforce disengagement. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 69(1), 151-159.
- Samuel Bacharach, & Peter A Bamberger. (2007). 9-11 and NYC firefighters' post-hoc union support and control climates: A context theory of the consequences of involvement in traumatic work-related events. Academy of Management Journal, 50(4), 849-866.
- Samuel Bacharach, Peter A Bamberger, & Valerie M McKinney. (2007). Harassing under the influence: Male drinking norms and behaviors and the gender harassment of female co-workers. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 12, 232-250.
- Samuel Bacharach, Peter A Bamberger, Ayala Cohen, & Etti Doveh. (2007). Retirement, social support and drinking behavior: A cohort analysis of males with a baseline history of problem drinking. Journal of Drug Issues, 37(3), 525-548.
- Peter A Bamberger, & Samuel Bacharach. (2006). Abusive supervision and subordinate problem drinking: Resistance, distress and the moderating effect of personality. Human Relations, 59(6), 723-752.
- Samuel Bacharach, Peter A Bamberger, & Dana R Vashdi. (2005). Diversity and homophily at work: Supportive relations among white and African-American peers. Academy of Management Journal, 48(4), 619-644.
- Samuel Bacharach, & Peter A Bamberger. (2004). Diversity and the union: The effect of demographic dissimilarity on members' union attachment. Group and Organization Management, 29(3), 385-418.
- Samuel Bacharach, & Peter A Bamberger. (2004). The power of labor to grieve: The impact of the workplace, labor market, and power-dependence on employee grievance filing. Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 57(4), 518-539.
- Samuel Bacharach, Peter A Bamberger, & William Sonnenstuhl. (2002). Driven to drink: Managerial control, work-related risk factors and employee drinking behavior. Academy of Management Journal, 45(4), 637-658.
Trade Publication
- Samuel Bacharach. (2018). Transforming the the Clunky Organization.
- Peter Bamberger, Samuel Bacharach, & . (2014). Retirement and the Hidden Epidemic: The Complex Link between Aging , Work Disengagement, and Substance Misuse--and What To Do About It. Oxford University Press.
- Samuel Bacharach, Peter A Bamberger, & William Sonnenstuhl. (2001). Mutual Aid in Union Renewal: Cycles of Logics of Action. Cornell University Press.
- Samuel Bacharach, Peter A Bamberger, & William Sonnenstuhl. (1994). Member Assistance Programs: Labor's Role in the Prevention and Treatment of Substance Abuse. Cornell University Press.
- Samuel Bacharach, & Pamela Tolbert. (1992). Research in the Sociology of Organizations: Organizational Demography and Current Research Issues. JAI Press.
- Samuel Bacharach, & Joseph Shedd. (1991). Tangled: Hierarchies: Teachers as Professionals and the Management of Schools. Jossey-Bass.
- Samuel Bacharach, & Edward Lawler. (1981). Bargaining Power, Tactics and Outcomes. Jossey-Bass.
- Samuel Bacharach, & Edward Lawler. (1980). Power and Politics in Organizations. Jossey-Bass.
Book Chapters
- Edward Lawler, & Samuel Bacharach. (1998). Political alignments in organizations: contextualization, mobilization and coordination. Sage Publications.
Research Reports
- David Lipsky, Samuel Bacharach, & Joseph Shedd. (1983). Teacher Compensation Systems and the Quality of Education.