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Susanne Marie Bruyere

Yang-Tan Institute
Academic Director
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Ithaca, NY 14853
United States


Susanne M. Bruyère, Ph.D., CRC, is currently Professor of Disability Studies and the Academic Director of the Yang-Tan Institute on Employment and Disability, ILR School, Ithaca, N.Y. Dr. Bruyère has served as Project Director and Co-Principal Investigator of numerous federally-sponsored research, dissemination, and technical assistance efforts focused on employment and disability policy and effective workplace practices for people with disabilities. She is a past president of the Division of Rehabilitation Psychology (22) of the American Psychological Association, the American Rehabilitation Counseling Association, and the National Council on Rehabilitation Education. She holds a doctoral degree in Rehabilitation Counseling Psychology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, is a Fellow in the American Psychological Association (Divisions 14 and 22), the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, a member of the National Academy of Social Insurance, and has served as an Executive Board Member of the Division of Rehabilitation Psychology (22) American Psychological Association, a past-chair of GLADNET (the Global Applied Disability Research and Information Network on Employment and Training), and a past-chair and current Board Member of CARF (rehabilitation facility accreditation organization).

Teaching Statement 

My teaching focus is to teach in the Disability Studies Sequence within the ILR School. I offer the ILR-HR 4410/6410 course (Disability Considerations in HR Practice) and the ILR-HRS 4657/6657 (Workplace Disability Inclusion: Innovations and Initiatives-- Autism at Work), in the fall semester and a related Directed Study to support ILR students in select company settings for a 16-credit internship in the spring semester. I supervise ILR School credit internships in NYS-based organizations such as OPEN DOORS and Cafe Joyeux. I also support numerous undergraduate students each year in Honor's theses, independent studies, and targeted credit internships.

Research Statement 

My research focus is to identify facilitators to full inclusion of individuals with disabilities in the workforce and the workplace. This has included collaboration on use of a wide variety of analytical approaches/research methodologies and data sources, working with a team of collaborators from across the ILR School and the Yang-Tan Institute, and other universities and think tanks.

Service Statement 

My professional service efforts have been concentrated in leadership positions in national and global professional and disability advocacy associations related to improving employment outcomes and the general well-being of individuals with disabilities. I have served as President or chairperson of five national and global organizations focused on these issues.

Outreach Statement 

My outreach efforts are designed to be complementary to my research focus. I work to take new knowledge gained through research to the intended stakeholders who can assist in making change in disability inclusion in the workforce and the workplace (e.g., employers, policymakers, disability service providers, disability advocates, the media, general public, and individuals with disabilities and their families).

Areas of Expertise

Affirmative action
Disability and rehabilitation
Disability law
Diversity and Inclusion
Human Resources
Human Rights and Workplace Practices
Human resources management
Inclusive organizations
Learning disabilities
Rights of working people

Other expertise

Primary and Secondary Prevention of Workplace Disability, Disability Management, Non-Discrimination for Persons with Disabilities in Employment, The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Interplay between the ADA-Human Resources Practices-and Labor Relations


Journal Articles

  • , , , , , & . . Accommoating employees with and without employees.. Human Resource Management Journal (US).
  • . . Mapping strength-based support through a neurodiverse lens: first-person accounts by individuals with autism. (DOI:
  • , , , , & . . Supportive Employer Practices and Autistic Job Seekers’ Strategies for Managing Interview Anxiety.
  • , , , & . . Making the employment interview work for a neurodiverse workforce: Perspectives of individuals on the Autism Spectrum, employers, and service providers. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 107-122. (DOI:DOI:10.3233/JVR-23003)
  • , , , , & . . Using AI and Transdisciplinary Research to Address Challenges in the Employment Process for Autistic Individuals. Journal of Applied Psychology.
  • , , , & . . The advantages and challenges of neurodiversity employment in organizations. Introduction to the special issue. Journal of Management and Organization, 23, 453-463. (DOI:Doi: 10.1017/jmo.2019.58)
  • , & . . Leveraging Employer Practices in Global Regulatory Frameworks to Improve Employment Outcomes for People with Disabilities. Journal of Social Inclusion, 6. (DOI:DOI: 10.17645/si.v6i1.1201)
  • , , , & . . Aging Workers: Work Environment as a Factor in Employee Mental Health. International Journal of Disability Management, 10(4), 1-8.
  • , , , , , & . . Accommodating employees with and without disabilities. Human Resource Management Journal (US), 53(4), 593-621.
  • , , & . . Accommodation requests: Who is asking for what?. Journal of Rehabilitation Research, Policy, and Education, 28(4), 329-344. (DOI:10.1891/2168-6653.28.4.329)
  • , , & . . Ageism and the retention of high performers: The positive impact of three forms of inclusion. Academy of Management Journal.
  • , , & . . Encouraging disability disclosure at work: Findings from a survey of people with disabilites. Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal.
  • . . People with Disabilities: Sidelined or Mainstreamed? by Lisa Schur, Douglas Kruse, and Peter Blanck (Book Review). British Journal of Industrial Relations, 52(3), 607-608. (DOI:10.1111/bjir.12070)
  • , , & . . Perspectives on Disability Disclosure: The Importance of Employer Practices and Workplace Climate. Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal, 26(4), 237-255.
  • , , & . . Rehabilitation related research on disability and employer practices using individual-based national and administrative datasets. Journal of Rehabilitation Research, Policy, and Education, 28(4), 291-308. (DOI:10.1891/2168-6653.28.4.242)
  • , , , , , & . . The accessibility and usability of college web sites: Is your website presenting barriers to potential students? . Community College Journal of Research and Practice.
  • , , , & . . The Employment Environment: Employer perspectives, policies and practices regarding the employment of persons with disabilities. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin.
  • , , & . . Accommodation requests: Who is asking for what?. Rehabilitation Research, Policy, and Education, 28(4), 329-344.
  • , , , , & . . Disability-Inclusive Employer Practices and Hiring of Individuals with Disabilities . Rehabilitation Research, Policy, and Education, 28(4), 309-328.
  • , , , , & . . Disability-Inclusive Employer Practices and Hiring of Individuals with Disabilities . Rehabilitation Research, Policy, and Education, 28(4), 309-328.
  • , , , , , & . . Leveraging new rules to advance new opportunities: Implications of the Rehabilitation Act Section 503 new rules for employment service providers. .
  • , , & . . Perspectives on Disability Disclosure: The Importance of Employer Practices and Workplace Climate. Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal, 26, 237-255. (DOI:10.1007/s10672-013-9227-9)
  • , , , & . . The Employment Environment: Employer perspectives, policies and practices regarding the employment of persons with disabilities. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, 28(4), 309-328.
  • , , & . . Employer practices in improving employment outcomes for people with disabilities: A trans-disciplinary and employer-inclusive research approach. Rehabilitation Research, Policy and Education: Journal of the National Council on Rehabilitation Education, 28(4), 208-224.
  • , , & . . Employer practices in improving employment outcomes for people with disabilities: A trans-disciplinary and employer-inclusive research approach. Rehabilitation Research, Policy and Education: Journal of the National Council on Rehabilitation Education, 28(4), 208-224.
  • , , , , , & . . Leveraging new rules to advance new opportunities: Implications of the Rehabilitation Act Section 503 new rules for employment service providers. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 41, 193-208. (DOI:10.3233/JVR-140713)
  • , , & . . Accommodation requests: Who is asking for what? . Journal of Rehabilitation Research, Policy and Education.
  • , , , & . . Impact of Parental Welfare Participation: Transition to Postsecondary Education for Youth With and Without Disabilities. Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals, 37(1), 1-11. (DOI:10.1177/2165143414522093)
  • , & . . The green economy and job creation: Inclusion of people with disabilities. International Journal of Green Economics, 7(3), 257-275.
  • , , , , , & . . The accessibility and usability of college web sites: Is your website presenting barriers to potential students? . Community College Journal of Research and Practice., 38, 864-876.
  • , , & . . Perspectives on Disability Disclosure: The Importance of Employer Practices and Workplace Climate. Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal, Online first. (DOI:10.1007/s10672-013-9227-9)
  • , , , , & . . Workforce development policy: Unrealized potential for Americans with Disabilities.. Journal of Rehabilitation Policy, 26(1), 5-18.
  • , , , , & . . Workforce development policy: Unrealized potential for Americans with Disabilities.. Journal of Rehabilitation Policy, 26(1), 5-18.
  • , , , , & . . Workforce development policy: Unrealized potential for Americans with Disabilities.. Journal of Rehabilitation Policy, 26(1), 5-18.
  • , & . . Healthcare expenditure among people with disabilities: Potential role of workplace health promotion and implications for rehabilitation counseling. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, 56(1), 7-22.
  • , , , & . . U.S. employment disability discrimination charges: Implications for disability management practice. International Journal of Disability Management, 5(2), 48-58.
  • , , , & . . United States employment disability discrimination charges: Implications for disability management practice. International Journal of Disability Management, 5(2), 48-58.
  • , , , & . . U.S. Employment Disability Discrimination Charges: Implications for Disability Management Practice. International Journal of Disability Management, 5(4), 48-58.
  • , , , , , & . . Age and Disability Employment Discrimination: Occupational Rehabilitation Implications. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation.
  • , , , & . . Web accessibility policies and practices at community colleges. Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 33(5), 405-416.
  • , , & . . Information Technology and the Workplace: Implications for Persons with Disabilities. Disability Studies Quarterly, 25(2).
  • , , & . . The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF): Contemporary literature overview. Rehabilitation Psychology, 50(2), 113-121.
  • , , & . . Comparative study of workplace policy and practices contributing to disability nondiscrimination. Rehabilitation Psychology, 49(1), 28-38.
  • , , & . . Policies and practices to promote nondiscrimination across the employment process. Rehabilitation Psychology, 49(1), 28-38.
  • , , & . . Disability in a technology-driven workplace. Workplace Visions, V.
  • , , & . . Identity and disability in the workplace. William and Mary Law Review, 44(3), 1173-1196.
  • . . ADA impact on human resource policies and practices: Progress to date and looking forward. SCI Life (publication of the National Spinal Cord Injury Association), 16-17, 23.
  • , , , , , , , & . . Employment and Disability Policy: the role of the psychologist. Rehabilitation Psychology, 45(3), 312-313.
  • , , & . . HR’s Role in Managing Disability in the Workplace. Employment Relations Today, 47-66.
  • . . Work and Disability: Issues and Strategies in Career Development and Job Placement. Rehabilitation Education, 11(1,2), 141-143.
  • . . Special Issue on the Americans with Disabilities Act: Editor’s Overview. Rehabilitation Education, 8(1), 3-8.
  • . . The ADA and Training for Employment-Related Professionals: Implications for Rehabilitation Education. Rehabilitation Education, 8(1), 79-88.
  • . . The Implications of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 for Rehabilitation Psychologists: Guest Editor Overview. Rehabilitation Psychology, 38(2).

Book Chapters

  • , & . . Career Development and Job Search Success for Neurodivergent Individuals: Interests, Issues, and Needed Research. In Research Handbook on Vocational Behavior. Elgar.
  • , , & . . DEI and disability: Meaning and metrics. In Research Handbook on Disability and Society.. Elgar.
  • , & . . Implications for future research and policy. In Research Handbook on Disability and Society. . Elgar.
  • , & . . Introduction: Disability throughout history. In Research Handbook on Disability and Society.. Elgar.
  • , , & . . Vocational rehabilitation and employment. In The Oxford Handbook of Rehabilitation Psychology. Oxford University Press.
  • , & . . Why DEI programs are necessary for the successful integration of people with disabilities into the workforce. In Call to Action for Policymakers: Defending and Advancing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI). Research on Social Issues in Management Series. Academy of Management.
  • , & . . Workplace accommodations and neurodiversity. In Neurodiversity and Work: Employment, Identity, and Support Networks for Neurominorities. (pp. pp.181-205). Palgrave MacMillan.
  • , , , , & . . Disability policy and law in the professional practice of rehabilitation counseling. In DeGruyter Handbook of Disability Management. DeGruyter .
  • , & . . Key concepts and techniques for an aging population. In The Psychological and Social Impact of Chronic Illness and Disability. Springer.
  • , , , , & . . Disability-inclusive online outreach and recruitment for employers. In DeGruyter Handbook of Disability Management. DeGruyter.
  • , , , , & . . Disability-inclusive online outreach and recruitment for employers. In DeGruyter Handbook of Disability Management. DeGruyter.
  • , & . . An international perspective on disability social policy. In The Oxford Handbook on the Sociology of Disability. Oxford University Press.
  • , & . . Implications and needed next steps. In Neurodiversity in the Workplace, Society for Industrial Organizational Psychology Frontiers of Research Series. (pp. 316-326). Francis Group Publishers.
  • , , , , & . . Disability-Inclusive Online Outreach and Recruitment for Employers. In DeGruyter Handbook of Disability and Management. De Gruyter.
  • , & . . Data for evaluating post-secondary schooling and career outcomes of Generation A. In Research on Autism in the Workplace and Generation A. (pp. 113-135). Emerald Publishing.
  • , & . . Social policy and disability. In The Oxford Handbook on the Sociology of Disability. Oxford University Press.
  • , & . . Social policy and disability. In Oxford Handbook on the Sociology of Disability. Oxford University Press.
  • , , & . . Chapter 16: Vocational Rehabilitation & Employment..
  • , , , & . . Chapter 3: Neurodiverse Applicant Screening, Interviewing, and Selection.
  • , , , & . . Neurodiverse applicant screening, interviewing and selection. In Neurodiversity in the Workplace, Society for Industrial Organizational Psychology Frontiers of Research Series. Francis Group Publishers.
  • . . The futures of work and people with disabilities. In The Many Futures of Work: Rethinking Expectations and Breaking Molds. (pp. 37-54). Temple University Press.
  • , , & . . Using Multiple Data Sources to Understand Disability in Organizations: Lessons from the U.S. Federal Sector. In Work, Health and Sustainability: New Challenges at the Workplace in the Age of Digitalization and Globalization. Springer International.
  • , , & . . Vocational rehabilitation and employment. In The Oxford Handbook of Rehabilitation Psychology. Oxford University Press.
  • , & . . Data for evaluating post-secondary schooling and career outcomes of Generation A. In Research on Autism in the Workplace and Generation A. Emerald Publishing.
  • , , , & . . Neurodiverse applicant screening, interviewing and selection. In Neurodiversity in the Workplace, Society for Industrial Organizational Psychology Frontiers of Research Series. Francis Group Publishers.
  • , & . . Neurodiversity in the Workplace. In Society for Industrial Organizational Psychology Frontiers of Research Series. . Francis Group Publishers.
  • , & . . Policy and impact of federal legislation on the disability services environment. In Principles and practices of disability studies. (pp. 91-112). Springer International.
  • , & . . Social policy and disability. In The Oxford Handbook on the Sociology of Disability. Oxford University Press.
  • , , & . . Vocational rehabilitation and employment. In The Oxford Handbook of Rehabilitation Psychology. Oxford University Press.
  • . . Autism at work: Targeted hiring initaitives and what we can learn for other groups. (pp. 261-280). Labor and Employment Relations Association Series .
  • , , & . . Employment Strategies for Older Adults. In Handbook of Rehabilitation of Older Adults.
  • . . Introduction. In Employment and disability: Issues, innovations, and opportunities. (pp. 1-14). Labor and Employment Relations Association Series .
  • , , , & . . Minimizing Discrimination and Maximizing Inclusion: Lessons from the Federal Workforce and Federal Subcontractors. In Employment and Disability: Issues, Innovations, and Opportunities. (pp. 33-64). Labor Industrial Relations Research Association.
  • , & . . Social Policy and Disability. In Understanding the experience of disability: Perspectives from social and rehabilitation psychology. Oxford University Press.
  • . . The way forward: Implications for labor and employment professionals and the future workplace. In Employment and disability: Issues, innovations, and opportunities. (pp. 325-328). Labor and Employment Relations Association Series .
  • , , & . . Employment Strategies for Older Adults. In Handbook of Rehabilitation of Older Adults. (pp. 281-297). Springer, Cham.
  • , , , & . . Disability, income, and rural poverty. In Disability and Vocational Rehabilitation in Rural Settings: Challenges to Service Delivery. Springer.
  • , , , , & . . Key concepts and techniques for an aging workforce.. In The Psychological and Social Impact of Illness and Disability (7th ed.). (pp. 475-488). Springer.
  • , , & . . Disability Legislation Considerations for Rehabilitation Practitioners. In Medical Aspects of Disability for the Rehabilitation Professional . Springer.
  • , , , & . . Disability, Income, and Rural Poverty. In Disability and Vocational Rehabilitation in Rural Settings . (pp. 7-41). Springer.
  • , , & . . Employment Strategies for Older Adults. In Handbook of Rehabilitation of Older Adults.
  • . . The Futures of Work and People with Disabilities. In Many Futures of Work.
  • , , , , , & . . Beyond handicap, pity, and inspiration: Disability and diversity in workforce development education and practice.. In Developing workforce diversity programs, curriculums, and degrees in higher education. (pp. 280-303). IGI Global.
  • , & . . Case study research on employees with disabilities. ILR Press.
  • . . Finding and keeping a job: Learning from workplace nondiscrimination measures. In Disability and equity at work. Oxford University Press.
  • , , & . . New approaches to disability in social policy: The case of the United States. In Social Policy in a Changing World. Springer Verlag.
  • , , , , & . . Vocational rehabilitation, inclusion, and social integration.. In Oxford Handbook of Rehabilitation Psychology. Oxford University Press.
  • , , , & . . Chapter 5 Annotated Data, Statistics, Tables, and Graphs. In Employment and Work. (pp. 40). Sage.
  • , & . . Disability Policy and Law. Springer.
  • , , & . . Chapter 8: Employment and Work. In World Report on Disability and Rehabilitation. (pp. 235-257). World Health Organization.
  • , & . . Disability and Employment: New Directions for Industrial/Organizational Psychology. In American Psychological Association Handbook on Industrial Organizational Psychology. (pp. 473-503). American Psychological Association.
  • . . Legislation and Rehabilitation Professionals. In Medical Aspects of Disability. (pp. 669-686). Springer Publishing.
  • , , , & . . Philosophical, historical, and legislative aspects of the rehabilitation counseling profession. In Rehabilitation counseling: Basics and beyond (5th Ed). (pp. 27-53). Pro-Ed.
  • , , , & . . Meaningful Work: Obtaining and Maintaining Employment as Youth with Chronic Health Conditions. In Launching into Adulthood: An Integrated Response to Support Transition of Youth with Chronic Health Conditions and Disabilities . Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co, Inc.
  • , & . . Legislation and rehabilitation service delivery. In Medical aspects of disability: A handbook for the rehabilitation professional. (pp. 827-850). Springer Publishing.
  • , , & . . Legislative foundations of rehabilitation and related services. In Rehabilitation Counseling: Basics and Beyond. (pp. 27-46). Pro-Ed.
  • , , , & . . The therapist's role in maintaining employment. In Aging with a Disability. (pp. 129-149). Johns Hopkins University Press.
  • , , , & . . Amudo and the Vencinos project: Striving together to meet the needs of indigenous women with disabilities in Oaxaca, Mexico. In Women and Disability: The Double Burden. (pp. 259-275). Sage Publications.
  • , & . . Legislation impacting employment for persons with disabilities. In Work and disability: Issues and strategies in career development and job placement.. (pp. 27-52). Pro-Ed.


  • , & . . Research Handbook on Disability and Society.
  • , & . . Neurodiversity in the Workplace. Francis Group Publishers.
  • . . Employment and disability: Issues, innovations, and opportunities. Labor and Employment Relations Association Series .
  • . . Disability and Employer Practices Across the Disciplines. Cornell University Press.
  • , & . . Sage Reference Series on Disability: Vol 3- Employment and Work. Sage Publications.
  • , & . . The Americans with Disabilities Act: Implications for psychology. Springer Publishing.

Magazine Publications

  • , , , , & . . Guidelines for assessment and intervention with persons with disabilities: An executive summary.

Research Reports

Case Study

  • , , , , & . . Workplace Mental Health, and the ADA “Regarded As” Prong: A Hypothetical Case Study.

Technical Report

Conference Proceedings

  • , , , , , , , & . . Employment and disability policy: Recommendations for a social sciences research agenda.

Professional activities

  • Neurodiversity in the Workplace. Presented to National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE). 2025.
  • Neurodiversity in the Workplace. 2025.
  • Applications of Neurodiversity Inspired Science & Engineering: Understanding User Needs in Tech Development. Presented to Vanderbilt University. 2025.
  • Contemporary Perspectives on Disability. Presented to SUNY Downstate . 2025.
  • Online Recruitment for People with Disabilities. Presented to eCornell. Online. 2025.
  • Promoting Social Participation of Individuals with Borderline Intellectual Functioning and Exploring Support Strategies Across the Life Cycle. Presented to KODDI, South Korea. 2024.
  • Seoul Cyber University - Disability Inclusion. Presented to Seoul Cyber UniversitySeoul Cyber University - Disability Inclusion. 2024.
  • Working with Disability Data. Presented to SIOP Disability, Inclusion and Accessibility Committee (DIAC). 2024.
  • Neurodiversity in the Workplace. Presented to U.S Government Accountability Office (GAO). 2024.
  • Autism at Work. Presented to eCornell . 2024.
  • Improving Hiring Outcomes in the Interview Process for Neurodivergent Job Candidates.. Presented to National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE). Virtual. 2024.
  • Improving Hiring Outcomes in Interviewing Process for Neurodivergent job Candidates. Presented to National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) . 2024.
  • Best Practices to Support Neurodiversity in the Workplace. Presented to Cornell University School of Industrial and Labor Relations (ILR) CAROW (Center for Applied Research on Work) Center. 2024.
  • Improving Employment Outcomes for People with Disabilities: The Role of Government, Education, Community Support Systems, and Private Enterprise. Presented to Human Rights Commission. 2024.
  • The Role of the University in Educational and Employment Inclusion of People with Disabilities. Presented to King Abdulaziz University. 2024.
  • Engaging the Talent of People with Disabilities. Presented to QaderoonEngaging the Talent of People with Disabilities. 2024.
  • Improving Employment Outcomes for People with Disabilities: The Role of Government, Education, Community Support Systems, and Private Enterprise. Presented to Sa3ee Society. 2024.
  • Navigating Neurodiversity: Neurodiverse Experiences Across Employment Stages. Presented to SIOP. 2024.
  • Engaging the Talent of People with Disabilities. Presented to The Charitable Society for the Care of People with Disabilities Prince Sultan Rehabilitation Complex, Dhahran, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 2024.
  • Factors Improving Employment Outcomes for People with Disabilities: Individual Preparation and Employer Practices. Presented to The Charitable Society for the Care of People with Disabilities Prince Sultan Rehabilitation Complex, Dhahran, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 2024.
  • The Journey of Employment for People with Disabilities from Recruitment to Retirement. Presented to The Help Center. 2024.
  • Disability-Inclusive Workplace Culture: Building it to Last. Presented to Office of Disability Employment Policy. 2021.
  • EARN Overview: National Employer Technical Assistance Center on the Employment of People with Disabilities. Presented to Knowledge Translation Consortium. 2021.
  • Accessibility and Accomodation. Presented to New York State Office of Mental Health. Virtual. 2021.
  • EARN Overview: National Employer Technical Assistance Center on the Employment of People with Disabilities. Presented to Office of Disability Employment Policy. 2021.
  • Disability Workplace Inclusion: Autism at Work. Presented to Quad Prep, Cooper Union. Online. 2021.
  • Building a Disability-Inclusive Workplace. Presented to Spring Institute. Online. 2021.
  • Fostering Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace. Presented to New York State Office of Mental Health. 2021.
  • Building A More Neurodiversity-Inclusive Workplace. Presented to University of Dublin. Online. 2020.
  • Roundtable Discussion on Disability Inclusion in the Workplace. Presented to United Nations Office of Human Resources. Online. 2020.
  • ILO GBDN: Cornell University Update. Presented to ILO Global Business Disability Network. Online. 2020.
  • Neurodiversity in the Workplace. Presented to The Conference Board. Online. 2020.
  • Harnessing Talent, Disability Inclusion in the Workplace. Presented to CHPR Alberta. Online. 2020.
  • Understanding User Needs in Tech. Presented to Vanderbilt University. 2020.
  • Shifting Employer Focus Since the Passage of the ADA and New Initiatives in Neurodiversity. Presented to Penn State Health Capital Region (Dauphin) Disability Affinity Resource Network Group. 2020.
  • OPEN DOORS. Presented to Cameradery - Cornell. Ithaca. 2020.
  • COVID-19, Employment and People with Disabilities– U.S. Experience to Date. Presented to Disability Rights Hub of the Berkeley Center on Comparative Equality & Anti-Discrimination Law. Berkley, CA. 2020.
  • Broadening Our Sight: New Directions in Disability Research. Presented to Academy of Management. 2020.
  • Diamond in the Rough? Neurodiversity Inclusion in Practice. Online. 2020.
  • The Power of Disability Inclusion. Online. 2020.
  • Autism Empowerment. online. 2020.
  • Vulnerable Populations. Presented to eCornell, ILR School, CCB. Online. 2020.
  • Disability Workplace Inclusion. Ithaca, NY. 2020.
  • Workplace Disability Inclusion for Neurodiverse Individuals. Presented to Quad Prep. New York, NY. 2020.
  • Effective Workplace Disability Inclusion: Lessons from the US Federal and Private Sectors (Keynote). Olten, Switzerland. 2020.
  • Final Panel – Reflections on Sustainability and Disability Management. Olten, Switzerland. 2020.
  • Workplace Disability Inclusion. Presented to Roche. Bern, Switzerland. 2020.
  • Disability Inclusion in the Workplace. Presented to Aleria. New York, NY. 2019.
  • Strategies for the Differently-Abled Worke. Presented to Charrette LLC. Detroit, MI. 2019.
  • Improving Employment Outcomes for Neurodiverse Populations: The Evolution and Impact of Public Policy, Partnerships and the Changing Economy. Presented to SAP and Els Foundation. Jupiter, FL. 2019.
  • NDEAM Forum. Presented to Challenge Workforce Solutions. 2019.
  • Disability-Inclusion in the Workplace Workshop. Presented to Dyson School. Ithaca, NY. 2019.
  • Workplace Disability Accessibility and Accommodation: The Role of HR Professionals. Presented to Work Wellness and Disability Prevention Institute (WWDPI) . Webinar. 2019.
  • Autism in the Inclusive Organization: Implications for Research and Practice. Presented to Academy of Management . Boston, MA. 2019.
  • The Career Experiences of Individuals with Autism: Autism and the Inclusive Organization: Professional Development Worksho. Presented to Academy of Management Annual Conference. Boston, MA. 2019.
  • Workplace Disability Inclusion for Neurodiverse Individuals: Recruitment and Hiring. Presented to Wyoming Institute for Disabilities. Webinar. 2019.
  • Accessibility and Accommodation. Presented to Wyoming Institute for Disabilities. Webinar. 2019.
  • Diversity and Inclusion. Presented to Wyoming Institute for Disabilities. Webinar. 2019.
  • Research Volume Preview: Employment and Disability: Issues, Innovations and Opportunities. Presented to LERA. Cleveland, OH. 2019.
  • U.S. Disability Policy and Research-Based Policy Development (Keynote). Presented to Warwick Business School. London, England. 2019.
  • Inclusive Learning for Disabilities: The Role of the Learning Manager in Building a Disability Inclusive Workplace. Presented to United Nations Learning Managers. New York, NY. 2019.
  • Career Development and Retention. Presented to Wyoming Institute for Disabilities. Webinar. 2019.
  • Recruitment and Hiring. Presented to Wyoming Institute for Disabilities. Webinar. 2019.
  • Disability in the Workplace in China: How to Move the Needle. Presented to The Conference Board. Webinar. 2019.
  • The Current Status of People with Disabilities and the Employer’s Role in Workplace Disability Inclusion (Keynote). Presented to Michigan State University. Lansing, MI. 2019.
  • Smart Cities NYC Workshop Inclusion for All and Smart Cities. Cornell Tech, Roosevelt Island, NY. 2019.
  • Disability-Inclusive Employer Practices and Hiring of Individuals with Disabilities. Presented to Work Wellness and Disability Prevention Institute (WWDPI). Webinar. 2019.
  • Neurodiversity at Work Roundtable. Presented to United Nations. New York, NY. 2019.
  • Facilitating Retention and Career Development for Autistic Youth. Presented to NYS Consortium for Advancement of Supported Employment. Webinar. 2019.
  • Facilitating hiring for Autistic Youth. Presented to NYS Consortium for Advancement of Supported Employment. Webinar. 2019.
  • Partnerships to Improve Employment Outcomes for Autistic Students. Presented to DADD. Maui, HI. 2018.
  • Disability Inclusion: Making It Work. Presented to World Economic Forum . Davos, Switzerland. 2018.
  • Workplace Considerations in Facilitating Disability Disclosure. Presented to ILO Global Business and Disability Network. Online. 2018.
  • What Works? How Federal Contractors are Implementing Section 503. Presented to NCRE. Arlington, VA. 2018.
  • Workplace Disability Inclusion: Transdisciplinary Multi-Method Research and Knowledge Diffusion. Presented to NIDILRR . Washington DC. 2018.
  • Workplace Disability Inclusion: Implications for Employer Policy and Practice (Keynote). Presented to Viscardi Center. Long Island, NY. 2018.
  • Workplace Disability Inclusion: Implications for Enterprise Policy and Practice. Presented to Beijing Normal University Business School. Beijing, China. 2018.
  • Workplace Disability Inclusion: Effective Workplace Policies & Practices. Presented to Japan Academy of Comprehensive Rehabilitation (JACR) and University of Tsukuba,. Tokyo, Japan. 2018.
  • The Forgotten Global Minority: Psychology’s Role In Disability Inclusion (Keynote). Presented to Japan Psychological Association. Sendai, Japan. 2018.
  • Implementation of the UNCRPD in Japan and the U.S.: Outline for Discussion. Presented to Japanese Society for Rehabilitation of People with Disabilities. Tokyo, Japan. 2018.
  • Efforts to Move from Segregated to Integrated Employment for People with Disabilities: Lessons from the U.S.. Presented to Nippon Foundation. Tokyo, Japan. 2018.
  • Employment for People with Disabilities: The Role for Business. Presented to Cummins-China. Beijing, China. 2018.
  • The Forgotten Global Minority: The Medical Professional’s Role In Disability Inclusion. Presented to Tohoku University Medical School. Sendai, Japan. 2018.
  • New Directions in Disability Research: Work Contexts, Inclusivity, and Wellbeing Interactions. Presented to Academy of Management. Chicago, IL. 2018.
  • Progresses, Setbacks and New Challenges facing People with Disabilities and Work. Presented to EDI. Montreal, Canada. 2018.
  • Employer Policies and Practices that Facilitate Workplace Disability Inclusion and Disclosure. Presented to NIMH. Washington DC. 2018.
  • Establishing an Effective Neurodiversity Employment Program: Elements of Good Practice. Presented to Duane Morris. Online. 2018.
  • Workplace Disability Inclusion Policies and Practices: Implications for Autism at Work Initiatives. Presented to Stanford University Special Interest Group for Neurodiversity. Stanford, CA. 2018.
  • Employer Practices to Improve Employment Outcomes for Individuals with Disabilities. Presented to ICAP. Montreal, Canada. 2018.
  • U.S. Federal Contractor Disability Employment Requirements: A Role for Psychologists. Presented to ICAP. Montreal, Canada. 2018.
  • What Works? How Federal Contractors are Implementing Section 503. Presented to Yang-Tan Institute, ILR School, Cornell University. Ithaca, NY. 2018.
  • What Works? How Federal Contractors are Implementing Section 503. Presented to YTI/Cornell University. Webcast. 2018.
  • Infusing Precision into Practice: Research Priorities for the Future. Presented to Microsoft. Redmond, WA. 2018.
  • Entrepreneurship and Disability. Presented to Entrepreneurship at Cornell. Ithaca, NY. 2018.
  • Hitting the Wall: Building Vocational and Self-Confidence Capacities Among Youth with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. Presented to SIOP. Chicago, IL. 2018.
  • Disability and Barriers to Employment. Presented to ILR School. Ithaca, NY. 2018.
  • Workplace Disability Inclusion Policies and Practices. Presented to IAMCREST/Boeing. Sylmar, CA. 2017.
  • #BeyondInclusion APA Twitter Chat, Exploring Wage Inequalities Among Individuals with Disabilitie. Presented to APA. Twitter. 2017.
  • The Future of Work and People with Disabilities. Presented to Many Futures of Work. Chicago, IL. 2017.
  • Workplace Disability Inclusion and Neurodiversity. Presented to Autism CRC. Sydney, Australia. 2017.
  • Workplace Disability Inclusion. Melbourne, Sydney, and Canberra, Australia. 2017.
  • Special Roundtable: Defining the Brave New World of Independent Work. Presented to eCornell. Ithaca, NY. 2017.
  • Opportunities and Challenges in Workplace Inclusion for Individuals with Psychiatric Disabilities. Presented to APA. Minneapolis, MN. 2017.
  • Work Mental Health: Strengthening Well-being and Resilience in the Workplac. Presented to IOE. Amsterdam, Netherlands. 2017.
  • Workplace Disability Inclusion Research and Resources. Presented to SAP. Palo Alto, CA. 2017.
  • Workplace Disability Inclusion Research and Resources. Presented to Perspektiva. Online. 2017.
  • Removing Barriers and Supporting Success for Workers with Disabilities: Discussion. Presented to SIOP. Orlando, FL. 2017.
  • Employer Practices to Improve Employment Outcomes: Overview of Cornell YTI Research. Presented to Stanford Autism and DD Clinic, Stanford University. Stanford, CA. 2017.
  • Sustainability and Disability: A Workplace Perspective. Presented to University of New Mexico. Albuquerque, NM. 2017.
  • Employer Practices to Improve Employment Outcomes: Considerations Across the Employment Process. Presented to ADA Centers . Webinar. 2017.
  • Decent Work as the Most Important Strategy for Poverty Eradication: Employer Practices to Improve Employment Outcomes for Individuals with Disabilitie. Presented to U.N. Commission for Social Development. New York, NY. 2017.
  • Employer Practices to Facilitate Accommodation and Disability Inclusion. Presented to USDA ARS. Ithaca, NY. 2016.
  • Retention and Advancement of People with Disabilities. Presented to Diversity, Inc.. Webinar. 2016.
  • Employer Practices to Improve Employment Outcomes: Considerations Across the Employment Process. Presented to eCornell. Ithaca, NY. 2016.
  • Disclosure of Mental Health Conditions in the Workplace and Reasonable Accommodations. Presented to ILO. Geneva, Switzerland. 2016.
  • University-Industry Collaborations. Presented to ILO. Geneva, Switzerland. 2016.
  • Disability Inclusion Across the Employment Process: Measuring the Impact of Outcomes of Proactive Policies and Practices. Presented to ILR School. Ithaca, NY. 2016.
  • Employer Practices to Improve Employment Outcomes: Implications for the Rehabilitation Counselor as Consultant. Presented to National Council on Rehabilitation Education . Arlington, VA. 2016.
  • Employer Practices to Improve Employment Outcomes: Considerations Across the Employment Process. Presented to Albany FBI Field Office. Albany, NY. 2016.
  • Employment of People with Disabilities in the Media Industry: Challenges and Opportunities. Presented to Ithaca College. Ithaca, NY. 2016.
  • Well-Being and Resilience in the Workplace. Presented to The Royal Bank of Scotland and The Conference Board,. London, England. 2016.
  • The Pursuit of Good Jobs: Workers with Disabilities in the Technology Industries. Presented to LERA. Minneapolis, MN. 2016.
  • NIDILRR Employee Grantees Strategies for Outreach to Business: Strategies to Inform the Design of Knowledge Translation. Presented to NIDILRR. Alexandria, VA. 2016.
  • Building an Inclusive Public Service Maximising the Potential of PWDs for Productivity and Innovation. Presented to SG Enable. Singapore. 2016.
  • Building an Inclusive Workforce: Recruitment, Career Development and Retention of Persons with Disabilities. Presented to SG Enable. Singapore. 2016.
  • NIDILRR Employee Grantees Strategies for Outreach to Business: Strategies to Inform the Design of Knowledge Translation. Presented to NARRTC. Washington, DC. 2016.
  • Returns to workplace social capital for people with disabilities: Evidence from a downsizing large firm. Presented to The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, PA. 2015.
  • IDM Interface with Organizational Diversity and Affirmative Action. Presented to Disability Management and Employer Coalition. San Francisco, CA. 2015.
  • Improving Retention and Advancement Opportunities for Employees with Disabilities. Presented to CANAR. 2015.
  • Globalizing Rehabilitation Psychology: Application of Core Principles in Addressing International and Cross-Cultural Challenges. Presented to Rehabilitation Psychology. 2015.
  • Supporting the Creation of Disability Inclusive Workplaces. Presented to CANAR. 2015.
  • Youth Transition to Employment:Select U.S. Evidence to Date of Facilitators. Presented to Leverhulme International. Edinburgh, Scotland. 2015.
  • Improving Retention and Advancement Opportunities for Employees with Disabilities. Presented to CSAVR. 2015.
  • A Tour of BenchmarkABILITY. Presented to CAHRS. NYC. 2014.
  • Supporting the Creation of Disability Inclusive Workplaces. Presented to CSAVR. 2014.
  • Absence and Disability Management Practices for an Aging Workforce. Presented to IFDMRN. 2014.
  • An Overview of Cornell University, the ILR School, and the Employment and Disability Institute. Presented to Hong Kong Polytechic. 2014.
  • What’s Happening in Employment of People with Disabilities: the United States, Singapore and Globally. Presented to SG Enable. 2014.
  • The workplace and people with disabilities: Past, present and future. Presented to ILR. Ithaca. 2014.
  • Inside the Workplace: Case Studies of Factors Influencing Engagement of People with Disabilities. Presented to ILR School. 2014.
  • Disability and Employment:Integrating research streams and facilitating international collaboration. Presented to EAWOP. 2014.
  • Tapping Business Expertise to Increase Employment Outcomes for People with Disabilities. 2014.
  • Disability Inclusive Workplace Policies and Practices. Presented to Penn State Hershey Medical Center. 2014.
  • Disability Disclosure in the Workplace: What employers and individuals with disabilities are telling us. Presented to ICDR. 2014.
  • Advancing Inclusive Workplace Practices: Effective Employer Practices in Support of Disability-Inclusive Workplaces. Presented to Association for Human Resource Development (AHRD). 2014.
  • Maximizing Meaningful Disability Workplace Inclusion. Presented to APA. 2014.
  • Inside the Workplace: Case Studies of Factors Influencing Engagement of People with Disabilities. Presented to APA. 2014.
  • Disability Lens on Poverty, Practice, and Policy. Presented to APA. 2014.
  • The Role of Psychology in Improving Employment Outcomes for People with Disabilities. Presented to APA. 2014.
  • Employer Practices RRTC: Overview and Findings to Date. Presented to NIDRR RRTC. 2014.
  • Disability Considerations in Human Resource Practices. 2014.
  • Why It Is Good Business to Hire People With Disabilities. 2014.
  • Working with Mental Health Issues: Discussant Comments. Presented to ICAP. 2014.
  • Improving Retention and Advancement Opportunities for Employees with Disabilities. Presented to GLADNET. 2014.
  • Economic and Environmental Sustainability: Giving Voice to the Interests of People with Disabilities, Indigenous People, and other Marginalized Populations. Presented to Society for Disability Studies. 2014.
  • Are We There Yet? Strategies for Navigating Outreach and Self-Identification. Presented to American Association for Affirmative Action. 2014.
  • Creating Disability Inclusive Workplaces. Presented to GLADNET. 2014.
  • Employer Practices Research to Inform Disability Policy and Workplace Practice:. Presented to NARRTC. 2014.
  • Employer Practices Research to Inform Disability Policy and Workplace Practice: Drawing from Diverse Data Sources and Analytical Approaches. Alexandria Virginia. 2014.
  • Disability Research, Training, and Dissemination Innovations Using Online Technologies and Social Media. Presented to National Council of Rehabilitation Professionals (NCRE). Manhattan Beach, CA. 2014.
  • Disability Research, Training, and Dissemination Innovations Using Online Technologies and Social Media. Presented to same as above. Manhattan Beach, CA. 2014.
  • An Interdisciplinary Perspective on Workplace Factors Impacting Employment Outcomes for People with Disabilities. Presented to APA, Division 22. San Antonio, TX. 2014.
  • Innovative Research on Employment Practices: Improving Employment for People with Disabilities. Presented to NIDRR. Webinar. 2014.
  • Innovative Research on Employment Practices: Improving Employment for People with Disabilities. Presented to Interagency Committee on Disability Research. Online. 2013.
  • Addressing Workplace Discrimination Faced by Individuals with Psychiatric Disabilities. Presented to Cornell University Diversity Council. Ithaca, NY. 2013.
  • The 50+Workforce: High Potentials You Might Be Overlooking. Presented to ILR. Online. 2013.
  • Improving Employment Outcomes for People with Disabilities: Measuring Policy Impact, Service Delivery and Employer Practices at the National Level. Presented to Southwest Conference. Albuquerque, NM. 2013.
  • Inside the Workplace: Case Studies of Factors Influencing Engagement of People with Disabilities. Presented to Employment and Disability Institute. Washington DC. 2013.
  • Employer Perspectives on Retention and Advancement in the New Economy: Bridging Research and Practice. Presented to National Employment Conference. 2013.
  • The new faces of disability: Veterans, aging workers and people with disability. Presented to USBLN. Los Angeles, CA. 2013.
  • The new faces of disability: Veterans, aging workers and people with disability. Presented to same as above. Los Angeles, CA. 2013.
  • Disabled People and Employment Policy and Employer Practice Implications for Improving Employment Outcomes for Young Disabled People. Presented to Leverhulme International Network . Durham, UK. 2013.
  • The new faces of disability: Veterans, aging workers, and people with disabilities. Presented to PIHRA. Aneheim, CA. 2013.
  • The new faces of disability: Veterans, aging workers, and people with disabilities. Presented to same as above. Aneheim, CA. 2013.
  • The Aging Workforce: Age-Sensitive DM and HR Policies and Practices. Presented to Pacific Coast University for Workplace Health Sciences . Port Alberni, BC, Canada. 2013.
  • The Aging Workforce: Scope and Scale of the Challenge. Presented to Pacific Coast University for Workplace Health Sciences . Port Alberni, BC, Canada. 2013.
  • Diversity and Disability Practices in Asia: Trends and Opportunities. Presented to The Conference Board. Shanghai, China. 2013.
  • U.S. Workers’ Compensation and Return to Work Strategies. Presented to Korea Workers’ Compensation and Welfare Service. Seoul, Korea. 2013.
  • Turning Affirmative Action into business advantage: The business case for hiring veterans and persons with disabilities. Presented to American Association for Affirmative Action. San Antonio, TX. 2013.
  • Turning Affirmative Action into business advantage: The business case for hiring veterans and persons with disabilities. Presented to Same as above. San Antonio, TX. 2013.
  • The Role of Policy in Rehabilitation Counseling and Research. Presented to University of Iowa Department of Rehabilitation and Counseling Education. 2013.
  • The new faces of diversity: veterans, aging workers, and people with disabilities. Presented to University of St. Thomas, Opus School of Business. Minneapolis, MN. 2013.
  • Leading Disability and Absence Management Practices for an Aging Workforce. Presented to Disability Management Employer Coalition. Webinar. 2013.
  • Beyond Yellow Ribbons: Putting Veterans with Disabilities to Work. Presented to Cornell Unviersity ILR School. Webcast. 2012.
  • Longevity Challenges and Opportunities:Aging and Working Well with a Disabilities. Albuquerque, NM. 2012.
  • The Interplay between ADAAA and FMLA: Legal and Practical Implications. Presented to Disability Management and Employer Coalition. Minneapolis, MN. 2012.
  • Employer Practices: Research Strategies and Findings. Presented to NARRTC. Washington DC. 2012.
  • Partnering for Placement: What Providers Need to Know to Meet Employer Expectations. Presented to NCRE. San Francisco. 2012.
  • Emerging Employment Issues for People with Disabilities. Presented to KPMG. Montvale, NJ. 2012.
  • Disability Considerations in HR Practice. Presented to eCornell/ILR. Webinar. 2012.
  • Disability Disclosure in the Workplace: What Employers Should Know. Presented to Office of Disability Employment Policy. Webinar. 2011.
  • Disability Disclosure in the Workplace: What Employers Should Know. Presented to National Employer Technical Assistance Center/EARN and Employer Practices RRTC . Webinar. 2012.
  • Current Issues in Disability and the Workplace: Implications for Policy Makers and Employers. Presented to HRSDC. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. 2011.
  • Enhancing the Functional and Employment Outcomes of Individuals who Experience a Stroke: Return to Work Overview. Presented to NIDRR. Washington, DC. 2011.
  • Employer Case Studies: Best Practices for Disability. Presented to NIDRR. Houston, TX. 2011.
  • ILR on Policy: A Conversation with Kathleen Martinez. Presented to Cornell University ILR School. Online. 2011.
  • World Report on Disability Chapter 8: Work and Employment. Arlington, VA. 2011.
  • Research to Policy and Practice: Knowledge Translation in Disability and Rehabilitation. Presented to APA. Washington DC. 2011.
  • Diverse Dollars: Why Small Business Should Engage Diverse Communities. Presented to ODEP/Add Us In. Washington, DC. 2011.
  • Building the Business Case for Providing Access to Employees/Customers with Disabilities. Presented to University of New Mexico, Anderson School of Business. New Mexico. 2011.
  • Policy Forum: Implementing the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act: The EEOC Regulations Cornell RRTC Policy Forum Series. Presented to Employment and Disability Institute. Washington DC. 2011.
  • Improving Employment Outcomes for Employees with Disabilities: Understanding the Issue. Presented to The Conference Board. New York, NY. 2011.
  • Preparing for an Aging Workforce. Presented to USBLN/ODEP. Washington DC. 2011.
  • Current Issues in Disability for Grantmakers and Others. Presented to Kessler Foundation. New Jersey. 2011.
  • Improving Employment Outcomes for Persons with Disabilities: What Employers Can Tell Us. Presented to National Association for Rehabilitation Research and Training. Bethesda, MD. 2011.
  • Partnering for Placement: What Providers need to Know to Meet Employer Expectations. Presented to National Council on Rehabilitation Education. Manhattan Beach, CA. 2011.
  • The Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in the World of Work United States and Brazil. Presented to Serasa. Brazil. 2011.
  • Aging workers with Disabilities: Implications for Employers. Presented to National ADA Center. Webinar. 2010.
  • Aging workers with Dsiabilities: Implications for Employers. Presented to National ADA Center. Webinar. 2010.
  • Protecting employees with disabilities from discrimination: Role of unit managers. Presented to American Psychological Association. Toronto. 2009.
  • Workplace Policies and Practices Minimizing Disability Discrimination -- Implications for Psychology. Presented to American Psychological Association. Toronto. 2009.
  • Engagement of people with disabilities: Unit-level climate and manager characteristics. Presented to American Psychological Association. Toronto, Canada. 2009.

Honors and Awards

  • SIOP Fellow (for outsanding accomplishments in the profession), Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology .
  • eCornell 2019 Trailblazer Award, eCornell.
  • Distinguished Service Award, National Association of Rehabilitation Research and Training Centers (NARRTC).
  • Best Paper Award, National Association of Rehabilitation Research and Training Centers.
  • Editors' Choice Award, Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, Rehabilitation Research Policy & Education.
  • 3rd Place Paper of the Year, SHRM.
  • ARCA Research Award for Best Rehabilitation Research Paper (2nd Place), American Rehabilitation Counseling Association.
  • Distinguished Contributions to the Advancement of Disability Issues in Psychology Award, Committee on Disability Issues in Psychology (CDIP).
  • Wright Dembo Award, American Psychological Association, Division 22 (Rehabilitation Psychology).
  • ARCA Research Award for Best Rehabilitation-Related Paper (2nd Place), American Rehabilitation Counseling Association.
  • James F. Garret Award for a Distinguished Career in Rehabilitation Research, American Rehabilitation Counseling Association.
  • George N. Wright Varsity Award, University of Wisconsin-Madison, School of Education, Department of Rehabilitation Psychology and Special Education.
  • Karl F. Heiser Award for Advocacy, American Psychological Association.
  • Outstanding Educator, Cornell University, Merrill Presidential Scholar.
  • Fellow, Division 22, American Psychological Association.
  • Distinguished Contribution to Rehabilitation Psychology, Division of Rehabilitation Psychology.
  • Outstanding Individual of the Year, Projects with Industry of New York State.
  • 8th Mary Switzer Scholar - Technology and Rehabilitation of Disabled Persons in the Information Age, National Rehabilitation Association.