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For working professionals

A hybrid program


Designed for busy professionals, our program combines flexible online coursework with three on-campus residential sessions. The culmination is a dynamic capstone project directly related to your organization.

Program Schedule

Online Courses

Most coursework is completed online, making it flexible and convenient for busy, working professionals. All courses are authored by Cornell faculty and are taught by a combination of ILR faculty and senior HR practitioners. There are many opportunities for personal and direct interaction with instructors through small, seminar-style discussions and online chats. You work at your own pace and fit your coursework into your schedule.

Course descriptions

Residential Sessions

EMHRM’s three, weeklong campus sessions (July, March, July) differentiate it from other programs. During these rigorous educational experiences you will work closely with faculty, fellow students, and senior HR executives from leading companies, building relationships that will become the foundation of your professional network.

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Residential sessions are often cited by students as one of the most valuable aspects of the program

Thoughts shared by current students

Reflecting on Faculty:

“The faculty was well equipped with theory, research and frameworks that were useful during the exercises and can be even more useful moving back to our challenges at work.”

“Being immersed in the ILR school with world-class professors—learning and being personally stretched and challenged to perform—was stimulating.  The professors are authentic and very candid in all discussions. Their dedication, passion, and desire to create a unique learning experience was apparent in the way they taught and their interactions with the class.”

Reflecting on CHRO/Senior Executive Speakers:

“The sessions with the Chief HR Officers from IBM and Barilla Group were amazing.  The ability to apply what we learned during the week, leverage our collective backgrounds and hold sessions with these down-to-earth world-class leaders, was such an added benefit of this program.”

Reflecting on Fellow Students:

“The greatest gift and value of the week was the opportunity to engage with others with a similar drive toward excellence and improvement in the practice of HR. Hearing the vast amount of experience and insight from the group was awe-inspiring.”

“Meeting this cohort of students/experienced professionals in person with extremely diverse backgrounds and life experience was transformational.  It was clear that the group was not competing. We all truly want to see one another be successful. Everyone was willing to share from their professional backgrounds and create a safe space to be vulnerable and learn."

Overall Impact:

“I left feeling energized, excited and smarter! Being challenged by my classmates, hearing different perspectives and professional experiences reignited a new passion for HR.”

"I walked away from last week’s experience greatly impacted – both personally and professionally. This immensely impressive cohort, the incredible faculty and guest speakers, were extremely influential."

August 2023 Residential Session

Capstone Project

A critical component of the Executive Master of Human Resource Management program is the capstone project, through which you will apply the knowledge and skills you learn on campus and online to a challenge facing your organization. The major objectives of the capstone project component are:

  • To bind learning from the program to your real-time challenges
  • To ground your learning in practical, on-the-job and business-related experience
  • To provide concrete steps for the practical application of program content

During the first residential session, students will propose a capstone project focused on a critical business issue with significant human-resource implications for their organization. They will advance the project over the full length of the program, incorporating executive course learnings. Students will receive ongoing guidance from an assigned Cornell faculty advisor and an executive HR advisor. Although students will work on the project independently, scheduled project reviews and ad hoc advisor dialogues will help refine the scope and objectives of the case, sharpen their analysis and recommendations and learn from the collective expertise and experiences of peers.