Video: COVID-19: Permanent Impact on Public Sector Workforce
Watch the recording below.
Esta Bigler, director of ILR's Labor and Employment Law program, hosted a webinar to talk about workforce changes from the pandemic which will outlast immediate reopening.
Representative from NYC and NYS unions and management discuss challenges related to the sudden move to remote work, how they addressed some of the challenges, successes and failures, and what changes will remain when things return to “normal.”
The panelists were:
- David M. Cohen, Executive Deputy Commissioner and Chief Administrative Officer, NYC Department of Environmental Protection
- Dina Kolker, Partner, Stroock & Stroock & Lavan LLP, who represents unions in NYC
- Daren Rylewicz, General Counsel and Director of Legal Services, Civil Service Employees Association, Local 1000
- Michael Volforte, Director, NYS Governor’s Office of Employee Relations
- Susan Panepento, Chair and Director, NYC Office of Collective Bargaining