"Good standing" requires that a student's academic record meets all of the following criteria at the end of each term:
- satisfactory completion of a minimum of 12 or more academic credits per semester;
- an average of C (2.0) for the term's work, that must include a minimum of 8 letter graded credits;
- no failing grades in any course, including Physical Education; and
- a cumulative average of C (2.0) for all completed terms.
Failure to maintain good standing
If at the end of any term a student fails to maintain good standing or his/her overall academic performance is so marginal as to endanger the possibility of meeting School and University degree requirements, his/her record is reviewed by the Committee on Academic Standards and Integrity. The Committee at that time may decide upon a number of corrective alternatives including Warning, Required Leave of Absence or Required Withdrawal from the School.
A student may be placed on Warning for one or more of the following reasons:
- Less than 2.0 semester average;
- Less than 2.0 cumulative average;
- One grade of F recorded for a semester;
- Less than 12 academic credits completed in a semester;
- Less than 8 graded credits completed in a semester.
Required Leave of Absence
A student is suspended from the School for one or two semesters, required to petition the Committee on Academic Standards and Integrity for permission to re-register, usually after completion of specified courses with a specified academic average in another program of study. A student may be required to take a Leave of Absence for academic reasons if he or she:
- Fails to establish good standing during a semester on Warning;
- Fails to attain a semester average of 2.0 after a record of Warning in any previous semester;
- Fails two or more courses in a semester, or attains a term average below 1.0.
Required Withdrawal
A student is expelled from the School, not expected to re-register, by Committee judgment that the student's academic record warrants no confidence that degree requirements may be completed successfully.