Each ILR intern has two supervisors: the individual so designated by the sponsoring organization and the faculty advisor chosen by the student.
On-site Supervisor
The on-site supervisor is asked to evaluate you in writing twice during the semester. At mid-term and again at the end of the assignment, on-site supervisors will complete a numerical evaluation of your job performance. At the conclusion of the internship, the on-site supervisor will also provide a narrative evaluation of your performance. These evaluations are returned to the managing director and then referred to the faculty advisor.
Faculty Advisor
The faculty advisor uses the supervisor's evaluation in assigning a grade of "Satisfactory" or "Unsatisfactory" for the 8 credits awarded for the work experience. Faculty supervisors will use these evaluations, as well as other evidence, including discussions with the site supervisor, as a basis for grading the internship.
The faculty supervisor will also evaluate the project which he/she and the student agreed would be undertaken to satisfy the academic requirement of the internship. Projects should be academic in nature and have a clear relationship to the ILR curriculum. A letter grade (A-F) will be assigned for this 4-credit portion of the semester's work.
Initiating and Maintaining Contact
You are responsible for initiating and maintaining contact with the faculty supervisor during the course of the semester in order to ensure that all academic and reporting requirements of the internship are met. You will also be required to provide three formal updates to the Credit Internship Office at designated times during the course of your internship experience.
Student's Evaluation
At the conclusion of the internship, you will be required to complete an evaluation of your experience, "Student's Evaluation form" (