Eileen Toback
Eileen has more than two decades of experience as a union leader and campaign strategist. Proudly serving as the NYPNU's Executive Director of a nurses’ union for a total of fourteen years, Eileen has been an advocate for the nursing profession and safe patient care by helping orchestrate four collective bargaining campaigns, win numerous groundbreaking arbitrations, and champion legislative initiatives on issues such as single-payer health care, workplace violence, and pay equity. In October 2020, Eileen advised the COVID Survivors for Change and her vision of thousands of empty chairs symbolizing the (at the time) 200,000 lost to COVID were set up in front of the White House and made the cover the NYT and media outlets all over the world. In her time in Washington DC, Eileen ran national issue campaigns that included accountability for the Tax Cuts & Jobs Act, served as national field director for the campaign to pass the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, led a campaign to reveal the Koch Brothers’ bi-annual billionaire gatherings with a series of counter-protest events, shed a spotlight on protecting Social Security and Medicare, fought for employees to have the right to organize a union with the Employee Free Choice Act, and built a national legislative political action team program at the Communications Workers of America.