Start-up Leadership in the Time of the Coronavirus: How to Lead for Momentum
In this situation, it is very likely that the start-up leader lays awake a night, wondering if they can make it to May, let alone June. The first decision that has to be made is—what does the leader mean by “making it”? If “making it” means to continue on the previously devised calendar to meet aspirations, then the leader is dreaming. On the other hand, if the leader is so disillusioned by the failure to achieve aspirations, and decides that the best thing to do is to cut their losses and curtail their dreams, then maybe the leader should take a time out to think it out.
The challenge for the pragmatic start-up entrepreneur is to figure out how to pivot (and not panic), keep the essence of the company without destroying their vision or compromising the commitment of others, and be on a better footing to emerge strongly when the storm passes.
(Read the original, full-length article on LinkedIn Pulse: Start-up Leadership in the Time of the Coronavirus: How to Lead for Momentum and Not Drop the Ball)