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Certificate Basics

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    Required Courses

    2 Required Workshops
    Register for individual workshops to fit your schedule

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    Time to Complete

    18 months
    Time participants have to complete the entire certificate program

Certificate Details


Effective arbitration advocacy is both a science and an art, centered on one key objective: persuasive storytelling. To sway an arbitrator's perspective, advocates must craft a compelling narrative that presents their case while addressing the opposing viewpoint - all within the framework of arbitration rules. 

This comprehensive practice-based certificate program equips participants with the knowledge of the technical aspects of arbitration, as well as the practical skills to convincingly present their case before a labor arbitrator. Whether you're a seasoned professional or new to arbitration, this program provides actionable techniques and hands-on experience to refine your advocacy. Part I focuses on case analysis, preparation of opening statements, direct examination of witnesses and presenting evidence. Part II focuses on the skills of cross-examination. In both parts, participants practice and receive expert coaching and feedback.

Appropriate for both lawyers and non-lawyers. 

Participants have the option to add to their certificate by preparing and presenting a brief case before an arbitrator and receiving feedback either in person or virtually for an additional $250. Cases will be scheduled based on the arbitrators’ availability.


Core curriculum


Arbitration Advocacy: Part I - Presenting Your Case

From the perspective of both the union and management, participants will practice how to develop a clear and effective theory of the case, create a proposed issue statement, identify and examine witnesses and present evidence.
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    New York, NY

Register for Arbitration Advocacy: Part I - Presenting Your Case

Register for Arbitration Advocacy: Part I - Presenting Your Case

Arbitration Advocacy: Part II - Cross-Examination

Cross examination is one of the most important but often poorly used parts of an advocate’s case.  Participants learn and practice the skills required to prepare and execute an effective cross, while identifying commonly made errors.  Participants practice cross-examination and receive coaching and feedback from experienced advocates and arbitrators.
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  • Circle with checkmark Icon
    New York, NY

Register for Arbitration Advocacy: Part II - Cross-Examination

Register for Arbitration Advocacy: Part II - Cross-Examination

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