Managing With Labor Values for Worker Centers and Worker Justice Organizations
Navigating a leadership role while advocating for workers' rights is undeniably challenging. Directors, organizers, and staff at worker centers and worker justice organizations face specific conditions that make their work particularly demanding, from limited funding, time, and capacity to hard campaigns to protect the most vulnerable workforce. However, it is both possible and essential for managers at worker centers and worker justice organizations to receive the necessary training to become effective leaders.
New York,NY
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Steward Training: Problem-Solving in the Workplace (online)
This tools-building workshop emphasizes the rights of stewards/committee persons in resolving disputes in the workplace. Participants will learn how to protect the grievance process, the equality principle, and how to simplify grievance writing. This online workshop is part of the four-course Labor Leadership Skills Certificate Program.
Live Online
Register for Steward Training: Problem-Solving in the Workplace (online)
This introductory-level workshop is designed to develop the skills of union negotiators who do not have extensive experience in advancing a collective bargaining strategy. This online workshop is part of the four-course Labor Leadership Skills Certificate Program, participants do not have to be online at a specific time.